
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Latest Missionary Email - Princess Five Working Ellis at Island and Bye Bye Birdy

This has been once again, a wild week! We had New Years, Exchanges, Service at Ellis Island, Zone Conference, and a crazy two hour block on Sunday.

New years was chill, there were a lot of sirens, but besides that a normal day. I went on exchanges with sister (not my companion), she is from a tiny town in Idaho, and is so sweet, and is much more talkative than my companion. We helped out at a food bank for a couple of hours, then we got two return appointments for her and ended the night with some apple pie ice cream!

At Ellis island we helped people look for their ancestors who immigrated through Ellis island, it was really cool, but we weren't allowed to talk about the gospel unless they asked which was sad, but the members who were there, easily found us. 

On the way home from Ellis, a bird decided to land right in front of our car, and didn't feel the need to fly away, and with all the cars around, there was nothing I cod do but hit it. After the hour drive home, my companion was helping me park, and she started freaking out, I thought I got the car in front of me or something but it turns out the BIRD GOT STUCK IN OUR CAR. Hermana companion grabbed a stick from the ground and hit it out, and a nice man from across the street helped up put it in a trash can. Really sad really gross, I'm sorry.

Zone Conference was great, it was in up state New York, and the drive there was beautiful. I miss the wilderness. I led the music, and met a lot of great people.

On a more spiritual note, we had 3 of our friends come to church! Deysi, who is practically a member, but she wasn't able to come last week so we were happy to have her, and Margarita and her son. She said it was very different and had lots of questions I say by her in sacrament meeting and I wanted to explain it to her but I didn't have the words to help her understand, which was really hard. And then Daniel! We met him Saturday night at a dunkin donuts, and we shared a little bit of our message about the book of Mormon with him. He said, "can you teach me?" And we were a little speechless and said of course! We invited him to church and there we found out that he is in the elders area and he will be missed.

Sister Princess Five

Our poor bird friend
And Ellis island

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