
Friday, November 16, 2018

Tale of a Massage Chair - More Work Than I Thought

I have had many requests for the contact information for this company so I am posting it here. If you want to contact customer service, the number  for their company is 310-538-2298

I was so tired for the past few nights that I forgot that I hadn't posted this blog post yet so my post for yesterday probably didn't make much sense. 

I found a massage chair at a second hand store and they were asking $20 for it. I used the paperwork donated with it and called the company about it and the repair man at the company was SO helpful in having me take the back off and make sure that the motors weren't frozen and that other things were in good shape. 

He told me that it is a really good massage chair and even if I had to pay $220 for a new mother board, it would be worth it as it is really a nice and expensive chair. 

I decided to go ahead and get it thinking that it would be worth a few hundred to get the chair as I love massage chairs. The chair and covering were in really good shape so I had a few friends help me move it into my home as it is super heavy. 

I had my brother help me try and diagnose it over the phone and we figured it was the transformer but him not being there, I have limited ability with the electronic meter so the next day I went to the electronics store and they were able to help me figure out if it was the transformer we thought, it would be less than $50 to fix it. 

I called the company yesterday and told them I was fairly sure it was the transformer that was out and he told me it was $350 for a new one which I shared yesterday. Last night I had my friend come and we found out it was the larger coiled transformer and I still had hopes I could purchase one that would work. 

Today, I take the transformer to the electronics shop and they tell me they don't have anything there that could work but could purchase one that may work for $170 ish. I am beginning to stress that we purchase something for a few hundred bringing my total for the chair to $200 and it fries the electronics or doesn't have enough wattage to run the motors or anything else. 

I asked my friend about maybe taking something out of other electronics and basically, it has to be something super similar so now I am wondering if it is worth it or not. I still made a video about the chair showing how to remove the arm, fold the back etc so that others looking will know how to do those things as I couldn't find any videos on the chair at all. It is an Air Med Deluxe 8000 massage chair and the remote and vibrate portion work but none of the motors are working. 

The problems is the round coiled transformer as you need at least 300+ watts to run the motors. It is a very expensive part and is VERY heavy. I show pictures of the transformer on yesterdays post. Here is a link to that here. 

I thought maybe I could find a similar transformer on one of those sit down/ stand up lift chairs. They had one yesterday at a second hand store but by the time I figured all this out today and got over there, it was gone. It was a long shot but I thought I would try. I know of another chair and thought maybe I would look to see if it even has that type of transformer in it. 

I am debating if it is worth trying to fix the chair. The repair guy said it is a really good chair but they are making massage chairs smaller and less expensive in the last few years and I could get some used for between $400 and $500. I will ponder on it a bit more and hopefully be able to figure something out. Maybe asking on the local yard sale pages I can find something. 

I am not sure what is going on with my health but I posted a few months back about being so cold I would climb into bed during the day shivering and turn on the heating unit for a few hours and was super tired as well. That has been going on again for the past week or two. Today and yesterday I climbed in bed shivering during the day so cold I couldn't get warm and I also have been going to bed super early, falling asleep when sitting and today I had several bouts of dizzy / lightheadedness to the point I was walking on my knees for a few minutes worried I may faint and fall causing myself injury. 

I have also had a headache for a few nights and have a root canal / crowned tooth that has awakened me several times in the past few days. It has had at least five crowns and has had a root canal but it still hurts in pressure storms and they can't seem to do anything to get rid of the pain in the tooth so I have been dealing with that for over 10 years. 

Perhaps the light headedness and headaches are related to that tooth root which reaches into my sinus. I probably will never know, but I was hoping to have the massage chair that has a heater as well so I could relax and stay warm. 

Hopefully I can find a fix and get it working. Have a blessed and relaxed day! 


  1. Aloha from Hawaii. A couple years ago a neighbor put one of these chairs out to be picked up by the bulk trash collector so I grabbed it, and it seems to have the same problem as yours. Unbelievable that they want so much money for a part that should easily last the lifetime of the chair! I can't find the contact info for the company. Can I get that from you please? But also, I would strongly suggest that you get your root canals removed. I had an infection in a broken tooth and the dentist pushed me to get a root canal, but after doing some research I decided to have the tooth removed. Basically if ANY bacteria is inside there it will be trapped and become highly toxic and can cause all sorts of serious health problems. It's possible that your current condition is caused by that. Try to research that also. Please email me at Thank you

    1. I hope you can get this information on here. I am posting your post for a day or so hoping you get this reply. I posted the phone number on my youtube video in the description area and will post it here for you. I will edit my post and put the number on your post as this isn't the first request I have had for this number. Have a blessed day! If you want to contact customer service, the number for their company is 310-538-2298.

  2. Greetings! Have you solved your problem with the chair? Was it the transformer? Just asking because your post ended without stating that you found a solution and got it working. Thanks!

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting. If you use the web version of my blog and go to the bottom of the homepage, there is a search box. Type "massage chair" into the search box and up will come all the posts about the massage chair. I have fixed several things on the chair and there are comments on the bottom of the posts and on the youtube videos in the comments below the videos. I don't know if the company has been able to get the transformers from China, but another guy said it bought two that added up to the size of the original and wired them together and spliced on the right plug tips from the old one so it would plug into the chair. He then modified the cover to allow space for the two transformers. I hope this helped. Have a blessed day!
