
Monday, November 19, 2018

Missionary Monday Week 1 - Mexico Training Center

Hola Everyone!!

I don't even know where to begin, this has been the longest and also fastest week of my life. On the plane down, I sat by these two cute old Latinas. One spoke a little English, and between her broken English and my rough Spanish, I was able to learn that her friend sitting next to me was really sick. It was her dying wish to go home to Mexico to see her family who she hasn't seen for ten years. So, the one I was talking to told me that she bought them both tickets, and was flying her down to help her then flying back home to Arizona the next day. WOW talk about service. 

The CCM is beautiful. When you first get here, they give you your tags, but they put white stickers on them so that everyone knows that it's your first week, and that you have really no Idea what’s going on. It's been beautiful the whole week except for today, when it was pouring rain and freezing. 

The food is meh, but they always have fresh pineapple, everyone in my district always has a full plate, and they have horchata which is 10/10. The Hermanas stay in little casas that are actually really nice. Fun fact, the CCM used to be a Christian boarding school, the more you know. We are in the middle of the city so it's really loud at night but one of the Hermana’s brought a sound machine which has been a life saver!

I love my district, we have 4 Hermana’s, and the other three are all going to California. My companion is Hermana Companion #1. She’s so sweet, and we get along really well. In a lot of things we are either exactly the same or the best compliment of each other.  She’s going to  California. Then there is a sister who turns out is my fourth cousin, and a Hermana from AZ who is just amazing. There are two elders coming to NEW JERSEY with me, and I'm so happy I'm not going to be flying alone! I love staying busy and am slowly learning Spanish. 

In our zone/branch we have all the Haitian missionaries because the MTC they normally go to was closed, so this Sunday, I was able to experience hearing one language I didn't know getting translated into another language that I don't know. 

I have seen 5 people I know here so far, with some crazy stories, but I don't have time for them.

We were able to go to the temple today and it was so beautiful and peaceful, I really loved the artwork in there. And, I can't wait to go again. 

I'm so happy here! I know that this is Heavenly Fathers plan for me. My testimony has already grown so much in this last short/long week.

Les Amo!

Hermana Princess Five

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