
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Table That Can't Be Painted And A Busy Day

I have so much going on this week that I can't seem to focus on one project. I have several of the girls arriving Thursday and then Princess One's family will arrive on Saturday.

I have the girls promises that they will go through the Halloween and Christmas decoration and then I can get rid of the rest as I don't want to keep things no one will want and won't be decking the house out with just me for the holidays and I can't put up any decoration other than kid friend when the grandchildren come, as they are small, so why keep a ton?
I have been collecting totes to sort out all the t-shirts for all the t-shirt quilts so I can keep them a bit more organized. I still have some of my mom's favorite clothes to make a life quilt from her favorites as well as many totes for the girls life shirts and still have mine I haven't had time to make into a quilt. I have also collected many for Prince One's quilt and some for the grandchildren so it will be nice to get those organized. 

I have to say, that I have been busy sewing this year getting my dad's life quilt done for Valentines, and I got Princess Two's Dr. Seuss quilt done recently as well. I stayed up late the other night and got half of the rows sewn on Princess Five's Broadway quilt and hoped to get it finished in  the past few days. But, with all the girls coming, and my family all coming from out of town for Princess Five's farewell this weekend, I have been hitting the house hard, and the yard some, but want to hit that hard as well. 

I just don't know if I will be able to get it all done before they come. The projects that I think will take a few hours, have now taken days. I sanded the small table and another chest and thought I would just spray paint them to make it easy. The paint said it was a primer and paint in one, but I spent hours coating it with coat after coat and it looks grey. I can't get it to coat. I then primed it and sprayed it again and still, dark coming through and the paint soaking up. 

I finally dug some of the paint I bought from Kmart 17 years or so ago out of the garage. (The link will take you to something I wrote in 2010 about getting that paint and how I used it in every room of my house.) I hadn't opened that gallon since purchasing it, and took it to Walmart tonight and had them shake it, surprisingly, it is still great! I am going to try and roll on the paint and see if I can get it to take a coat of paint. I wanted to have it finished for Princess One's family so they have places to put their stuff now that they have the new baby and will probably have two travel playpens up in the room. 

I also finally put up the wall decorations I have for the laundry room as I took out most of the décor a few months back and wanted to rearrange and update a few things with the new washer etc. I wanted to paint the room, but that isn't going to happen until I can get a few more things off my "to do" list but it is on the radar! 

I don't know how great my posts will be this week with so much going on, but just know, I am busy and happy that I will get to see all my family and grandchildren this week! 

Have a Blessed and Productive Day!~

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