
Thursday, October 18, 2018

2222 Post Today - Can You Believe it.....

I have had a post I wanted to do for a few months. It isn't anything out of this world but I thought it was a bit funny and also disappointing.

A few months back, it was near my birthday. I went to get the mail and there was a nice pink card envelope addressed with cursive writing and I thought to myself, "Wow, people don't send cards much anymore, I am excited that someone actually sent me a card!" With facebook and texting, most people just send wishes those ways and a few will give you a call but only people older than me send cards. Also, no one much younger than me reads cursive well so I figured it had to be someone old.

Imagine my disappointment when I opened it and found out it was a junk mail advertisement for Dish TV!

I was so upset at the deceit in the advertising I ripped it in half and threw it in the garbage! I couldn't believe that even on the back of the card, it had a price for the US and Canada like a real card would have! Why would they go to such lengths to make it look like a card? 

Later that day, I was shopping at a local store and ran into a man from my church congregation and we were visiting, He wished me a Happy Birthday coming up. I told him, "thanks" and then commented that I thought I got an early card in the mail and then was disappointed when it was a "Dish" advertisement. 

He laughed and said he did the same thing getting all excited that someone sent him a card in the mail and was disappointed when it turned out to be junk mail. I asked if it upset him more than just getting junk mail as it really upset me as it was so deceitful? 

He said it really upset him as well so I think that Dish really did themselves a disservice by making it look like a card. Yes, they may have gotten people to open the envelope but I think it turned people off Dish more than just a cute and creative advertisement that would get your attention rather than one that gets their hopes up and then really disappoints. 

It was weird that we both had the same reaction. I don't normally give junk mail a second thought, but when I got home from the store, I pulled the card out of the trash to make a blog post about it after hearing my friends reaction as well. I got another a few weeks later, but I was smarter by then knowing exactly what it contained. I saved both to share with you and it isn't a spectacular post, but after all, having 2222 posts on my blog is kinda a big deal, I thought I would celebrate with a card post...…. Actually, I just wanted to get them off my desk as I am cleaning for the big farewell party this weekend for Princess Five so posting about it means I can throw them out now! 

Have a Blessed and Junk Mail free day!

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