
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Shopping, Sorting, Packing, and Trying On - VERY LONG DAY

Seriously, I can't even tell you how long my day has been. You know I went to bed early in the a.m. with the post I shared. I finally got to bed about 5 a.m. and then got a call and woke fairly early and have been running all day. 

One of our favorite stores is having everything 20% off this week and so Princess five and I spent hours looking at clothes and trying them on and in the end, she got four dresses, 2 jackets and I found two long new underwear from the military that are fifty percent cotton and 50 % wool. One was white and the other a tan color. I have never seen them before and the store got a huge amount of military surplus and right when she needed wool thermals for her cold and humid mission. 

I washed it all at home and they are hanging to dry and we went through all the rest of her clothes and some Princess Five had that she took on her mission and some that she bought for her mission and didn't take on her mission. They both have been going through their clothes and we had my nieces come and go through the "get rid of " piles today and I have three boxes to take to the womens shelter in the morning and two boxes of other stuff to drop off at the "good will" store in town. 

Princess Five tried on lots of clothes in her closet she thought she could use and had kept for her mission but after trying then on, some didn't fit and some didn't match what she wanted to take so we ended up with quite the list of things to buy. 

She needs a long winter coat and a long rain coat. Princess Four didn't bring hers home and said it was not functional where she was in Japan. She did say that the Ugg boots I bought for her to take were the best and she wore them nearly every day both winters so she left them behind as well but suggested we get Princess Five something similar. 

Ugg has come out with some great new styles in boots but it isn't quite time for those to be in stores so I think we may have a hard time finding them just yet. However, after our difficult day shopping, we realized we need to go to the bigger city to find some skirts and jackets and her coats and also hoping to hit some upper end stores and pray they have their boot selections out. 

I hate long shopping days and my back is super sore but I feel like we are finally making progress on the storage stuff as all her college stuff and her room stuff is now pulled out and in bins either stacked in the garage or ready to be stacked in the garage and all are labeled and clearly marked as hers and what is in them. I even have about 8 empty totes for shoes and stuff once she leaves and for Princess Four to finish her stuff. I have been buying up all the totes I can at second hand stores and was blessed to buy 6 new ones that matched at a second hand store last week for $2 each! I just smiled to myself when I saw that as I had just blogged about how I needed bins a week or so ago. 

It is now after 6 a.m. and we are mostly ready to head out of town to shop as the store we like to shop is having 20% off all week chain wide so we have to go now as both girls have plans for Friday so it is now or never.... 

I still need to pack my bag but I have all sorts of stuff I needed to get ready. I have a friend having surgery this week and got her a care package ready. I have a friend whose daughter got married this week and got her gift finished up and ready. I have piles for Princess Two ready to go. I have some returns to stores in the larger cities and have those ready. I have several things I need to purchase and figure out for Princess Three and Five to attend our Temple before next week. Princess Three decided to join her sister when she goes before her mission so that will be a fun day for our family. 

I need to drop off the donations and they are now ready to go but I need to pack the car in the morning and I noticed a flat tired on Princess Fours car so before she takes that out of town, we need to get that fixed and my tires rotated as one is wearing funny. So, I need to get to bed as I only had a few hours last night and now, I will only get a few before needing to head out but I am really glad that we are finally getting things to the point where she feels like she is getting ready. I think both girls have just been really overwhelmed with having to go through everything they own and decide where to put things, if they should keep things and what they can live without at college and on a mission. 

I love having them home but I am really ready to have this stuff out of the living areas! 

Have a blessed and Organized Day~ ;-) 

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