
Thursday, August 16, 2018

18 Minute Upload - So Not Fair

I got a few hours sleep last night and had a longer than planned day with a flat tire and tire rotation but the blessing of the day were not missed on us. I would love to tell you all about it but it is 2 a.m. and I have a VERY long day tomorrow and a long drive so just know that I needed a post and I am visiting Princess Two and the videos that take me all night to upload.... yep, the first uploaded in 18 minutes and the second uploaded by the time I had written the description on the first part of the video. 

It is so unfair that I can't get these speeds. I started uploading a video this morning while I blogged which is around an hour long and when I left that house at 5 p.m. it had over 1 1/2 hours still on it and I had to stop it and all those hours of uploading were lost. I wish I were staying longer at Princess Two's but we got here after midnight and are leaving first thing in the morning and I hadn't eaten a meal all day! I had a portion of a protein shake I made for us this morning and a few nuts on the drive up and 2 liters of coke to keep awake. I finally had a salad after getting to Princess Twos after midnight. I pray things calm down some soon.... In a good way.... 

I will share all the blessings of the day soon. I have so many posts I want to share but they will have to wait until I have time to write them. 

In the mean time, please enjoy Princess Five and I sorting this bag of jewelry parts A and B as I cleaned off space on my computer but forgot to empty the recycle bin for the second time and the video cut short. Hopefully you enjoy it and I am hoping after next week I will be able to get into a better schedule again and share all the fun trips and events we have had going on. 

Have a Blessed and relaxed day! 

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