
Friday, August 24, 2018

Princess Four is Officially Moved to College - Date Night with Princess Five

It was a hard day for Princess Five to help load up her sisters car and see her drive down the street knowing she won't be living with her most likely ever again. 
Emotions ran high as Princess Four had her car loaded and was giving hugs but was super nervous driving to college many hours away and knowing that her sister would be leaving before the holidays to serve as a missionary for 18 months. 

Both girls were clingy not wanting to say "goodbye" but it had to happen so Princess Four left and Princess Five and I were missing her already. She is such a bubbly person and even today she came out waving her hand above her head and clapping singing along saying, "I picked out all the songs for today, I love this playlist!" and she was singing along with songs about being happy and gratitude and new beginnings. I just love that she is looking forward and not back at her life as so many can and do. 

She moved into her apartment and let me know she made the long drive safely and that she loves her roommates already and let me know of a few things she would need at the new place that we hadn't planned for in our packing. Each student housing has different things they offer or not. So, I had some of the items and will find the others as we are going to see her on Saturday so that is handy. 

I told Princess Five we would have a "date night" and go to a movie and she said she would rather watch a red box and have sushi so I picked up two movies and two sushi rolls and spent the night finishing sewing up all her items that needed sewing or mending. She just kept finding things that needed a tweek here or there and there were a few wool sweaters that had a few moth holes that needed mending that she found in the ebay stuff I had stored for 20 years that she liked so I fixed those 80's sweaters for her and she can take them on her mission. It amazes me how the 80's clothes are so "in" right now as I think they were awful then. ;-)

Princess Five is getting excited to serve as a missionary and packed up her wool skirts and shirts today into one suitcase as she won't need those items until after she leaves Mexico near Christmas time. She is hoping to find temporary work for the next two months before she leaves now that her sister is moved out and most of her mission stuff is ready. 

The house is finally getting a bit more cleaned out and totes are getting stored and we are getting rid of more and more things as they whittled down what they want to keep and what they want to get rid of rather than storing it. 

I have one more skirt to hem and a dress to hem tomorrow and then finally, I think all of her stuff will be finished. I have a button to fix on a coat she is leaving so we don't lose it also but it makes me so happy to be able to get all these things off my list.

I thought I would share one of my jewelry sorting videos I did with Princess Four last week. I am sad she won't be around to do more with me as she made it fun. Enjoy! 

Have a Blessed and family Filled Day! 

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