
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Princess Four is Headed Out - Last Minute Mending For My Girls

I am fairly good at keeping up on mending. I bought some clothes for the girls at a clearance sale a month or so ago. I got home and immediately fixed all the zippers, did any mending needed and put the clothes in the girls rooms. 

They got home from working and started their packing and sorting and I altered Princess Five's dresses and skirts because she was home when I did all the fixing but Princess Four wasn't home. So, her pile got stuck somewhere and as she was packing up all her stuff to move to college tomorrow, she found her clothes that needed some altering. 

I didn't think it would take all that long as I have sewn for years and for the most part I got all the clothes finished rather quickly. There was one dress that is mustard color and has little raccoons on it that she LOVED at the sale. It was a 2X and had a broken zipper. I fixed the zipper after getting home but needed her around to alter it. Oh the nightmare of it all! I had to nearly take the entire thing apart and re-make it. It has a lining as well so I had to take in darts, pleats, seams, etc and finished it after 4:30 a.m. 

She is leaving about noon to head to her new college and has been very stressed trying to get appointments with advisors etc as she is looking into Chiropractic school now but wants to finish her bachelors degree first. She is 70% finished as she has two associates degrees so she is just trying to declare a major and may finish in one year depending on what she chooses. 

I finished getting her things packed up that I needed to do for her and paid some bills as well as running errands but it was a very busy day moving her stuff into several piles for storage and moving to college as we couldn't really finish packing until she was ready to go with many things. 

I am REALLY going to miss having both girls around. They are always giggling about things and super cute quoting thing back and forth. It has been such a joy having them home these past few weeks. 

I told them I should have taken pictures and show how to alter the clothes for a post but I was so tired and wanted it finished that I didn't get any pictures. I am just going to post another jewelry sorting video and pray that things slow down a bit soon..... 

Have a Calm and Blessed Day!

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