
Monday, August 20, 2018

Parasite Update - Right Leg Better and Light Bulb on Overheating Cause

 My leg has healed up so well in just a week. You can see the little "pimple" spots on my leg where there was staph, eggs or whatever was the cause of this horrible, burning, and painful rash. 

My left leg took a very long time to heal as I didn't figure out how to cure it for so long. This time, I went in hard with the iodine and diatomaceous earth and kept a sock over it to keep the powder on it as much as possible. If I went out, I would take off the sock and just leave a little powder on it but look at the difference in just a week! I am still putting stuff on at night as I can still feel something crawling around in there but hopefully I can keep it from coming out again. 

I had a huge "lightbulb" moment in the shower the other night. I have been writing and complaining for a year or two that I can't regulate heat and cold. I just can't cool down when I am outside. In ten minutes I am flushed and red in the face to the point I think I am going to have a stroke hearing my heart in my ears. 

I realized while I was scrubbing off the waxy film that these things leave on my skin, that the skin is the largest organ of the body and if it gets covered in wax or oil, it can't breath. The body cools itself by sweating through the pours and then the water evaporates cooling the body. If I have this waxy "biofilm" all over my body, my pours can't sweat allowing the moisture out and the body to cool! 

I can't believe that it took me all these years to figure that out! It seems so basic! The film has gotten thicker as my infection gets worse and also I have it on more of my body than before. It used to be just on the neck, then chest, now back, arms etc. 

I pray I can continue to figure out all the symptoms and put them in some type of order so that people who are experiencing symptoms can then attribute other things to the parasite and know what is causing it. I didn't connect the dots of so many of my symptoms for years and it all clicks eventually but it has taken me years to figure out what I have figured out through lots of study and nightmare symptoms. 

I am grateful that I am being able to put it all together and that I was able to get the worms diagnosed and pray that I can figure out a cure so that my kids and grandchildren don't have to suffer through all this as I don't know how they can function with lung damage so early in life. 

Isn't it great that I was able to clean up my leg when it looked like this just a week ago?! I am grateful for inspiration on how to heal things that aren't always straight up.... 

Have a blessed and healthy day! 


  1. Hi how you doing? I was wondering any new treatments for parasite. I have this now face moves place place squiggle lines and the rash you get try lots stuff. I had surg snd put oxygen mask on cheek. And in 1 day same place exactly it came that spot. This loves water humidity heat sun and oxygen seems. I pray Jesus lots help had 3yrs now same symp you lungs gi stuff brain fog skin appreciate anything for advice thank you

    1. Hi J9,
      I have tried a few new treatments for the parasite and haven't had anything that worked great. Both killed them in the gut but not in the rest of the body. I am continuing to try new things and will post and make a video if I find anything new. Thank you for writing and I pray for us all that we can find a cure soon. Have a Blessed Day!
