
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Mixing and Matching Missionary Clothes For a Larger Wardrobe - Finished Shopping For Clothes

I shared last week how we picked up most of the summer clothes for Princess Five. She had lots of dresses and some summer skirts we found, but the winter clothes were only a glimmer at that point. 

We traveled to the larger cities and hit several different stores and I shared that we were shopping over 11 hours one day. Princess five was in the dressing room for hours and hours trying on things Princess Four and I found for her to try on. 

As our time was limited, I would break down the shopping list and give each of us an assignment in the store. Since shoes are a personal thing to style and size, we gave Princess Five the shoe isles first in all the stores. We had a cool experience with the white shoes as there was only one on the rack / shelf and so we left and started looking at other clothes and Princess Five felt that she should go back and look at the shoes. 

I went with her and it was interesting as she told me not to look in a larger size for shoes and I didn't listen as I know all shoes are sized differently and I can be a 9 to a 10 1/2. So, I looked in the larger sizes and I found the two leather / designer shoes in the larger sizes that fit her. She was also able to find the other white shoe which is her favorite pair! 

Princess Four would hit the turtle necks and long sleeve shirts and also the bags looking for a good book bag for her. She brought over a cart full of silk, wool, and a few cotton each store. She was such a trooper shopping for such long hours each day for her sister but it was VERY reminiscent of when we did the same thing for her just over two years ago. 

I would hit the jackets and skirts looking for any sold colored jackets and wool skirts that could work for her. She is going to a humid climate and she has never lived anywhere humid before and doesn't know wet / humid / snow that can chill you to the bone. I have never been so cold in my life as I was in New Zealand and in the East Coast when it was humid. It is hard to describe if you haven't experienced that type of cold. 

I found her about five solid colored skirts in wool and we got some solid colored jackets and then Princess Four found her a great selection of wool, silk and cotton long sleeved shirts and turtle necks. I wasn't able to find many wool sweaters as none of the stores have them yet but even thought none of the stores had out winter coats, we were able to find a military all weather long trench coat that they had to dig out of a box in the back room. 

We also found a wool lined mid thigh rain coat that she LOVES and the fun thing is, I bought her a down coat a few weeks back and she put that on, then the rain coat and then the trench coat and it looked cute and with all the layers, she will be able to wear either the silk or wool long johns, wool turtle necks, the down coat, the rain / wool lined jacket and then the military overcoat as needed! 

The colors are drab but they will all mix and match. She may need to find a few items of bright color to wear but she can find those while there. At least the important warm items are purchased and I know that she will be warm! 

I feel so blessed and grateful that we could find all the things she needed in one trip. It took me a long time and many shoe stores to find what Princess Four needed so I am grateful that things have fallen into place more quickly for Princess Five. 

I have already washed everything and have it ready to pack into her suitcase! I spent the entire day one day last week washing all the wool items making sure they were nice and clean smelling for her and that she will be able to know they are ready. For some reason, I felt the need to get all her stuff done now. I don't know if she will leave early or if I will be busy or maybe it is just for peace of mind for her, but whatever the reason, I am glad to  be able to check things off the list. 

She was wearing some of her new items today and I joked her about it but I know she is excited to have found all these things and have them ready. It is getting her excited to leave. 

I am having withdrawals in my head as soon, my nearest daughter will be many hours away. I have always had at least one daughter within a two hour drive and have never really had the empty nester blues but as I get ready to send one to a further away university and another to a different state, I am feeling a bit melancholy. 

I am proud of my girls being strong and independent and not afraid to face the world and take on challenges. Maybe I need to be a little bit more bold myself! 

Have a Blessed and bold Day!

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