
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Visiting Princess One - Love My Family

We took a road trip and  went to visit Princess One and her family. Several of the girls had to work but two of them and I went to visit Princess One over the fourth.

When we arrived, Princess One's family was celebrating the fourth by lighting some fireworks in their driveway. When the two oldest kids saw it was us, they came running and gave each of us the most wonderful hugs. 

I was thrilled when Grand Prince Two gave me this adorable smile! He is so observant and reacts to you and how you are being with him. I thought maybe he would be scared of people other than his parents but he is SO friendly and happy! She was blessed with an amazing baby. 

I started taking pictures and  we all laughed when the camera scared the baby and he started crying. I didn't want to post so many pictures as it is super late and I have to drive tomorrow so I want to get to bed asap. 

We sat and watched the show as "Daddy" lit the fireworks the children took turns picking what to light next. He is such a good father and makes sure that all the children get a turn and feel heard. 

I got to use my new camera. I still don't know what I am doing as there are so many options with this new camera but I haven't had time to figure it out yet. You can see my life has been super busy this past few weeks but I am grateful that I found time to order the new camera as it is super nice having one that works and takes good pictures  again!  

So far, it has been a point and shoot camera. I want to do a review and try some of the new options on this version that my other didn't have but I will need some time as a learning curve. I can't complain at the quality of the pictures for today. I think the kids look beautiful and that I am going to like this camera. There are so many features that it may be fun to experiment. 
I did put a uv filter on the camera and I am hopeful that it will keep the lens from being scratched. I keep fallng asleep and writing long lines of whatever I was typing when I fall asleep. HOpefulrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This is a perfect example. This is about the tenth time that has happened. I am headed to bed but I hope oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yes, I did it again.... I hope you enjoyed the fourth as much as we did. Have a Blessed Daykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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