
Friday, July 6, 2018

Super Long Day - Detour Due To Fire - Gold and Silver Jewelry Grab Bag

I am so sorry about the post yesterday where I fell asleep when writing the blog post. 

We got up this morning and found out that the highway to visit Princess Two was still closed and we had to do a large detour to get to visit her for the weekend. 

We left early and it seemed like we were driving forever. I had never driven those roads in my life but it was so beautiful and I realized that there are so many places in this world that I would love to see. 

I did stop at a second hand store on our travels and was happy to find a $20 grab bag of jewelry. I have never seen a bag of jewelry at this particular store but I was thrilled to find it and saw what I thought was a silver bracelet in it so I bought it. 

We made it to Princess Two's house later than planned but I am so tired that I didn't want to post much so I just made a video of me opening the jewelry bag. I somehow stopped the video accidently half way through the bag so I made a part B on the bag so you could see everything I found. 

I was super thrilled when I found out the bracelet I thought was silver was actually 10K white gold. I also found a 10 K gold broach with a small diamond on it. I got several silver pieces and the bag was well worth the $20 I paid for it. Thanks for being understanding of my posts this week as I am super tired and pray I can get some good sleep tonight. I just don't feel like I have been getting a deep sleep but sleeping in different beds can do that. 

I hope you have had a good week and a wonderful fourth of July. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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