
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Princess Five and I searching for Treasures

I am heading out for a 2 week vacation with a few of my girls. Sadly they all couldn't come but perhaps once we know the lay of the land, we can include them next time! It has been a choice as how to handle my blog during that time since I haven't really had any long vacations since starting to blog all those years ago. I would just blog ahead some and that has worked. I am trying to get that done but some of the posts will be short as I just took some videos along the way that I have been uploading. Others will be full blogs as I have the stuff to do it ready. 

I have been enjoying having the girls sort jewelry with me and we win sometimes and lose others but it has been enjoyable just sharing with you how I have found silver and gold for so many years now. I didn't know that other people did what I did and videotaped themselves. Some people may not like the videos of that type, but hopefully, they will be patient looking for the other types they do enjoy as I can't have lots of channels, putting them all on one makes my life so much easier! 

Enjoy this video of Princess Five and I sorting for gold and silver. We were a bit tired so the end may drag but such is life. Sometimes you have energy and other times you don't! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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