
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Gratitude Refrigerator Moment - New Crisper Drawer

We have had our refrigerator for many years. It has to be over 20 as we purchased it when we bought our house. 

It has been a wonderful fridge and still works well. There have been a few sagging door issues as the girls hung and swung off of it but we bent it back up and it has been great. One of the crisper drawers got a crack in it as it is usually full of heavy fruit so I duct taped it many years back and it has worked but the other day, I thought to myself that it looked somewhat "ghetto" having a duct taped fridge part. 

I don't have the money right now for a new fridge and even if I did, I am the only one home so it really doesn't matter much. I keep it clean and it works great so I haven't thought much about it since that day. 

I went to the second hand store with one of my girls this week and would you believe that my exact crisper drawer was there for $1. It was so wonderful. It seems like every time I "think" about something in my life like that wish I would like to be better or fix, the exact thing I need shows up about a day or two later. 

I brought it home and washed it and then took a short video and swapped out the fruit and put the new one in the fridge and it has been so wonderful to be able to use a new drawer without being gentle on the handle as it was cracked. 

I know my Heavenly Father Loves me as He shows me daily in so many ways! 

Have a Blessed Day!  

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