
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Little Mans Big Day - Grand Prince Two Got Blessed

We have had so much going on that I have missed posting about some wonderful events in our world. 

Princess One had a baby boy recently and he is so adorable. He is so large and heavy that your arms hurt after a few minutes holding him. His older brother was that way as well but this little guy takes after his dad. 

I see his dad in him every time I see him. It is so cute to see all the genetics at work with the grandchildren. I think Grand Prince One looks like Princess Four as a baby. I really just love any time I can get with any of the grandchildren. 

Princess One planned Grand Princes Two's baby blessing when she knew we would be visiting another city picking up her sister. She scheduled it early in the morning before a family reunion we were going to attend so she planned a place and made all the invitations. 

A blessing in our church is to give the child a name and a blessing as they did in the biblical times. It is somewhat similar to a christening but we don't believe in baptizing babies in our church. We wait until they are capable of making that choice for themselves when a bit older. 

I went back to see if I posted about Grand Prince Twos blessing and I started it and found it as a draft. I can't believe how often I start a post and get busy and then never finish or publish it. It happens so often. I tell the kids to look something up on the blog and they tell me they can't find it so I check and find it in my drafts folder.

When I see that I have missed posting about something on one of the girls and the grandchildren, I feel sad that I didn't document the event. 

I know I have pictures somewhere on the back up drive but then nobody gets to see them as they aren't in a place they can get to them. I know I won't be going back and finding them and putting them into the draft as I always have current things I am posting about.  

I just looked to find Grand Princess One's blessing day and I couldn't find it either. I have a habit of not posting things when it gets busy and I think they have all been busy times. I have had a busy week already this week and have other things I could post about but I really wanted to post this event as I know I have been bad documenting these things. 

My niece and her family came down before the reunion as well and it was so fun to see how her kids have grown. We also got to catch up with a good friend who Princess One lived with when in college and we have known since she was 2. They came to her second birthday party! 

We were so busy and all of us were together so we were all wanting to give the others a chance to hold the baby but he got a bit fussy at the end when his mom changed his clothes to go to the reunion and I got to hold him for a minute and sing in his ear and he quieted down and someone took these photos while I was holding him and I am glad they did. He was wide awake and super happy! I love these pictures! 

I am so blessed!!! I hope you are as Blessed!

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