
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Homecoming Party - Princess Four With Friends and Family

I can't seem to catch up since I was sick. I do well for a day and then I feel horrible for a day. 

I think the parasites are worse and I almost did an update today but wanted to focus on a positive thing as the past week has been lots of ups and downs.

With that, HOORAY for wonderful friends and family that sacrificed lots of driving and time to come and support Princess Four in coming home from Japan and wanting to hear her stories as a missionary for the past 18 months. 

My brother and his wife traveled the farthest which was kind of them as his wife served as a missionary in Japan 30 years ago and has been a big supporter of Princess Four as she understands what being a missionary in a Buddhist / Asian country is like. 

It is interesting that being a missionary isn't the same in different countries. It is hardest in a few European countries and then in developed Asian countries as the people are super busy and don't have much time and energy for that type of thing. 

In third world countries, where people are more slow paced and different lifestyles, many need help in different ways and are already aware of who Jesus Christ is so it isn't as "different" to them when they hear a message of Christ than for people who have no understanding of who Christ is or what his role is on the earth etc. 

So, people in my family have served in every developed continent and each has had a VERY different experience. Those that go to missions in the U.S. have a very different experience than those in South America and then very different than Eastern Europe vs Asian missions. 

Princess Four had most of her closest friends there and I had a few friends show up that I haven't seen in years and was super happy to see. Many from my family came and Princess Four was super excited to see a few of her past companions and an American family she met while in Japan! 

I tried to get pictures of everyone that came and realized later we didn't get a family picture as Princess One took her family home while we cleaned up.... 
I was sad it was such a busy and crazy weekend as I didn't get to enjoy my kids and grandchildren as much as I would have liked due to all the activities but it was WONDERFUL to have them all in the same room at the same time if even for a few minutes. 

I will share as many photos as I can of the wonderful day but I have to say a HUGE "THANK YOU" to all those that came and set up the night before and those that stayed until all the clean up was done and had long drives home after. So many people made an effort to support us that day that I was truly touched by their kindness! I just wish I had more time to visit with them other than while I was so stressed setting and cleaning up! 

It as so cute as we were cleaning up, one of the boys there figured out he could give rides on the table carrier and Grand-Princess and Prince One were giggling so loud, it got my attention. I had Princess Five shoot this video as I was cleaning up as it was so adorable. I hope you enjoy it! 

I know Princess Four felt VERY supported and I felt very supported so THANK YOU EVERYONE for making her day a wonderful one! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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