
Friday, May 25, 2018

Humanitarian Groups - Multi-Congregational Church Groups Coming Together in Service

For many years, there has been a group of women and men in our community that have gotten together two days a week and make items that are needed for charity around the world. 

If someone sees a need, or has a need for something, they let this group know and then the volunteers get into action and work together to figure out a way to get the group going on the project for the needed item and within a short amount of time, the group makes, gets donated, or a combination of both and the need is filled and the items are shipped off, dropped off, or picked up and into the hands of those that need them. 

I know in my world wide church, service is a big draw and we learn that when you are in the service of your fellow man, you are in the service of your God!

This group has been going for many years now and a few years back, we took our exchange student over to show her the group and we worked on tying a quilt which she had never done before. 

We also taught her how to make knit hats using the easy "hat looms" so she could whip them up rather quickly. We also took home some projects from the humanitarian center and stuffed some "hospital dolls" that are used by the surgeons so he can draw on the doll and show the child what he will be doing during the surgery and then the child can take the doll home. 

Over the years, I have worked on a few different projects at home and several others at church meetings or going to the one or two days a week service hours that the center is open during the week. The organized it so that one half of the towns churchs go on one day and the other half of the towns congregations can go the other but anyone is welcome to go either day and many do work both days a week giving that service to others. 

Any person can unite churches and get this type of service going. I think even people at homeless shelters can pick up "hat looms" rather quickly and can be taught to spend time in service while sitting. I think it is important that people give service no matter what their situation. Even if they just make a hat for themselves using the colors of yarn they enjoy could be a rewarding experience and give them a sense of accomplishment.

I know that the elderly and retired people live longer if they do service as has been show by research. I know that most of the people that volunteer as retired and find joy and accomplishment in serving at the centers. 

I know that many community needs have been met through the group. If someone needs something, they can go to the group and ask for items that may be needed. 

I am on the board of the local food bank and several times I have asked the group for donated hats, scarves, toiletry bags, canvas bags for the homeless to take canned food in as the plastic bags rip after a few cans are in them and the homeless that pass through our food bank can't take any perishable items so they take mostly cans but then they can only carry a few plastic bags but the canvas bags allow them to carry many more canned items in a better way. 

I know that a friend of mine traveled to India where her son's family live as ambassadors and she found a need and asked the group to provide the items and was able to take many suitcases with her full of the items needed. 

It amazes me what a group of like minded people can do when they set out to do good. So many peoples lives have been impacted through service but I always find that when I think I am going to help someone, I end up being blessed through the service. It happens over and over. 

I am including a video of the way it is set up and showing the rooms of the donated basement in a church where the church gives the rooms to store items and supplies and they pay the electric bill. 

I show pictures of many of the cute items and at Christmas time they invite all the different denominations in town and allow the church leaders to pick items they think would help families in their congregations for Christmas. 

They always have Christmas stockings, towels and a quilt for each family member but then they have toys, clothes, bedding and other items they can choose to meet individual needs of families. 

I am grateful to live in a community where people are always so willing to help and serve others. It is wonderful that a small town can make a difference in the big world.

Have a Blessed Day! 

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