
Thursday, April 26, 2018

We Are All Human - Judgment Is A Part Of Life

I used to get lots of critical comments on my youtube videos at the beginning and I used to get SUPER upset at some of the rude comments people would make. I learned that these "haters" are looking for a reaction. They don't really care what you are saying, they just troll around looking for a fight or reaction as they feel powerful that they have manipulated your mood. I wrote a post about diffusing the haters a bit a go and here is a link to that post. 

I learned to just block those haters from my channel and after awhile, the mean comments slowed to a near stop. Every once in awhile, if I feel I should, I will reply to a comment it may be that I feel the person may be open to it or just a "feeling" that I should. It became interesting to me that I learned I don't need to defend myself as other views get defensive and will reply but I found that the haters like any type of contention and so most of the time, I delete the comment and block the viewers. 

For some reason about a year ago, I left this comment up and replied to it by a user named "Aaron" and I replied with something I feel is very true as I have seen Karma work in my life and when you judge, it seems to come back to you. So, I shared that feeling in my reply to Aaron. Here is his original post. 

You seriously need to seek mental health care. Yes, others have the same problem as you, but it is not parasites. And yes you may have had intestinal parasites."

Here is my reply to Aaron at that time.  

"Oh Aaron, You just need to check out my blog and stop judging others. I pray that you never understand what I have been dealing with as I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It seems however, that when we judge others, God gives us a chance to understand what the other person was dealing with. Karma is real. I may be crazy but I understand that universal law. I wish you well and hope you have a BLESSED Day!"

There were a few people that defended me in the middle there but I just let it be. Today, I noticed this post to Aaron and was going to delete the post due to foul language. Frankly, I have settings on my channel which should have filtered that language out so I am not sure how it passed the filter but I thought better of deleting it and here is this mans comment with the one word starred to tone down the swear word.

"16 Hours ago - On behalf of her and all people that have to deal with people like you in denial that we have a f***** people live in a skin bag just like animals do and we are susceptible GROW UP!!! I bet you are a medical doctor!! I bet!"  

Here is my reply to that post - 

"I thought about deleting this post due to the language but will leave it so that others may learn something. Both the original comment and this reply are similar people. One person judging the other for their thoughts and expressing them freely. It is easy to hide behind a user name online and write unfiltered and judgmental or critical comments about others. The first, Aaron, judged me without getting all the facts, looking at my blog and seeing the labs diagnosis, all the tests I had run etc. The second, similarly judged Aaron for his judgement. One judged me, the other judged Aaron. 

In my reply to Aaron, I didn't hate him, I just shared that maybe he should get more information before he writes hurtful comments and let him know that when we judge others, we also are opening ourselves to judgement (which has happened as others are now judging him) and also Karma. I have seen it over and over where someone will judge me or others for something and then have a similar situation happen to them so that they learn exactly what they would do and did do in that situation.

I feel sadness for both commenters that they can feel such anger or hate towards one another or being able to judge someone so quickly without all the facts. I know at times we all feel anger and judgement but I believe that is why we are here... to learn to love and treat others kindly. I hope that someday I can get to the point where I can truly love the unlovable without judgement..... I have been lucky to have wonderful examples in my life of that type of Christ type love.... I pray that we can all take the time to think how our words translate to others and follow the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all!"
I hope that we all have a BLESSED Day!"

I do believe that we get what we send out in return. I feel blessed to understand that principle but have to share that I am still critical and judgmental at times and am learning to love all others at a much slower pace than I would like. Hopefully we can all learn these traits sooner than later so the online world will be a better place for all!

Have a Blessed and judgeless Day!


  1. Hello,
    I had stumbled upon an older you tube video you had posted about buying silver and gold which up until recently I hadn't even thought about, but several years ago complications from spondyloarthritis, fibromyalgia and multiple comorbidities left me unable to work, I started selling off everything I owned and hadn't even considered looking in my jewelry box.

    Because I remembered the last time I tried to sell off scrap and old jewelry... it wasn't worth much o anything, problem was not that it wasn't worth much - I had just been going to crummy shops (like fast cash and payday loan stores, the places that buy junk gold, silver and coins tend to be scammers also). I highly suggest you consider reputable jewelry stores as many of them have technology to x-ray your jewelry on site and give you top dollar - some even take scrap. I was a tad confused as to why you organize and sort and then put in safe deposit box- because there is a good chance you are going to be disappointed when you find out the 10K gold is not worth much of anything and a lot of earrings, pendants, especially lockets, etc... tend to be gold plated - even if 24K it will be essentially worthless. it just costs too much to retrieve the gold plate. May I suggest you visit a reputable buyer just for your own piece of mind? You may find a buyer that deals in coins, gold and silver. Forget the places that do a swab, scratch or magnet test as their deciding factor- AND remember you are not obligated to sell it, but if you find a good buyer...

    The chances you will be able to sell your silver or gold for its worth in an emergency are risky. Would it not be wise to sell it now while the market is at a high- rather than in an emergency, disaster or such? Trading it in for currency today would enable you to invest the money in a federally insured bank where you could choose a way for your money to accrue interest. As it sits now your "money" is more of a gamble than a secure safety net.

    My apologies if you have already considered this, but after carefully noting the wide assortment of gold and silver you have collected, along with all the hard work you put into sorting it (which i LOVE organizing and sorting things into the same type of containers and hundreds of beads sorted into tiny baggies--- which also come in an array of sizes--- I think sorting is so much fun and then to see everything put together) Anyway. I would hate to see all that hard work go to waste.

  2. Hello Theresa, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to share your input and expertise with us. I love when people are willing to share information with me and grateful that they take the time to write. I understand everything that you are sharing. It is logical. My reason for starting to collect the jewelry is not logical in the way most people think. It started in a weird way that I blogged about many years ago. I think the post basically speaks for itself so I will let you read the post as my reply for why I do things the way I do.... Once again, thank you for watching and sharing. Have a Blessed Day!
    The post is called "Hunting for gold part two" and you can type that in the search box if the link doesn't work!
