
Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow Festival Fun in Sapporo - Princess Four

Princess four had a fun experience this week, she was able to attend the Sapporo Snow Festival that has been around since the 1950's. 

Not all missionaries get to see this so she was very grateful that she was able to go to this. She couldn't send many pictures but she did send a few. Here is a link to some of the pictures someone posted online.
The beginning of his video is a bit strange but I liked the pictures at the end showing all the workers on the sculpture. 

There was another guy that has a travel channel, and he also talked about the history and the food as well as showing some of the ice sculptures as well as the snow sculptures. I found his video interesting as he talked about the food and how a place in Hokkaido is famous for a specific type of ramen and Princess Four has a picture of that type in her pictures this week so that was fun to know what it was she was eating. Here is a link to his video. 

Here is her current letter! Enjoy! 

Konnichwa to the most B-E-A-UTIFUL children of God I know! Wow. Genki? Hisashiburi desu ne. Long time no see! This week was full of CRAZY MIRACLES! Are you ready? I just have to start off with the biggest one. It's crazy.

A little bit after the new years, on the 10th of January to be exact, we went finding way hard! Streeting and housing everyone! Two appointments fell through so we had a lot of finding time that day. We pinged some houses, and we met the "amazing" family. The family was Protestant. They had a Book of Mormon from an old friend, but they never read it, but they knew a little bit about the Book of Mormon. They had the cutest daughter. Her name means light. But with the character from the bible. So her name is Hikaru. So cute! So we gave them cookies we were going to give to the people who canceled their appointment. They weren't interested, but it was just a tender mercy that they let us talk about Christ, and our beliefs, and let us stand in their Genkan out of the cold. We saved their address, but didn't plan on going back due to the lack of interest............

Cut to this Tuesday after we get home late from Mission Leadership Council.... The elders asked us if we knew of an "Amazing" family. We thought it sounded familiar, but didn't remember. Well. Turns out they remembered us!!!!!! The elders pinged the same 3 exact houses as us in a very random area. They "Amazing" family opened the door right away, and let them in. The family had run into another areas missionaries at a restaurant. Shout out to those elders.  And then on Tuesday the Elders just so happens to be guided to their house again. CAN YOU SAY MIRACLE?!?!?!?!?!?! 3 different sets of missionaries all being guided by the spirit in less than a month to find this family. The elders talked about different things, but on the way out the dad asked what we thought about life after death. They found out what he believes is pretty similar. He knows a lot of Christians think you die then go straight to heaven or hell. But he thinks that everyone dies, then once everyone dies they get judged to go to heaven or hell. So then the elders taught a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. Then he told them to come back..... they didn't even have to ask!!!!! He has noticed that his church is different than when he joined. Luckily our church is the same since the beginning. Policies may change, but Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and His Gospel will never change. 

So then yesterday, we had time and the elders had time after our youth testimony concert to go visit them....... BEST LESSON OF MY WHOLE MISSION!!!!!! He knows the bible SOOOO well. He thought our church started with Joseph Smith, but was very surprised to read from the Book of Mormon back to times before Columbus. And when we read scriptures about other sheep, and the stick of Judah, and lots of deepish doctrine stuff, he just understood, and everything clicked in his brain! He had no idea that another book of scripture containing Christ's Gospel existed! It was such a tender mercy! And he said we could come back, and that he would read the Book of Mormon. His wife was half listening half taking care of the daughter, but she accepted it too. She isn't as well versed in the Bible, but she still knew a lot! they were connecting things and asking deep questions. It was beautiful. I love this Gospel, and am so blessed that God is giving me a chance to help this work, because really, he doesn't need missionaries He could do it all himself. But I am beyond grateful that he is letting me grow, and letting me see others grow as well. GAH. I love this gospel. And Jesus Christ. And God. YAY! 

So sorry that was so long, but not sorry because I love MIRACLES! But yes. So we went to MLC this week. That was great fun. Also. Found out my trainer broke her collar bone... um.. Odaijni... This week is just full of surprises! On the bus ride back my bean. Oh my BEAUTIFUL BEAN! Her and  I just talked about all these things we could do to become more consecrated. All of her suggestions were SPOT ON! The guilty taketh the truth to be hard. That is the easiest way to know we aren't doing things the way we should be. She just addressed the old culture that I was used to, and brought up new ways to do things more effectively! We are not bad missionaries at all, but we just want to be MORE consecrated! So we made a lot of plans goals and changes. We just want to be better! All the time! We are really trying to be like Alma and Amulek. #companionshipgoals

We finally met with Hikari chan. Her name also means light. We are supposed to visit her every week, but it was just not happening. We FINALLY caught her, and she said to go back on Saturday! Yay! Shout out to Minamide shimai. She is our dendo mom. I love her. She visits so many people with us. And gives us rides. And gives us food. And I just love her.  The lesson on Saturday went well. She hasn't progressed very much if at all these last 3 transfers, but my bean swooped in to save the day. We asked if we could call her everyday to read with her! She said Yes! Everyone pray she will answer her phone! So yeah. 

We helped another person our ward is focusing on. She cant read due to her eyes. So we helped her download the gospel library app, and. She could read! I hope she progresses as well!! Please everyone just come back to church, and find the joy you once had. It will make you happier I promise! That's not even my promise. It's from GOD! Anyway....

We had a youth concert yesterday. Shout out at my comp for playing the piano with very little notice. The songs were difficult, but she rocked them. Mom, I promise when I get home I'll practice the piano.... sorry it took me 10 years to finally choose to practice! Everyone. Strengthen your talents. @suzuki shimais lesson this week. 

We get to meet with our beloved yuka san this week ,and then have Valentine's Day, and go on splits, and all that good stuff! Life is so fun here in Happy Hokkaido. I love Asahikawa with all my heart. I love the people, and the missionaries, and the gospel, and just EVERYTHING!!!!!!

Sapporo's Yuki Matsuri(Snow Festival)
Ice cream in the middle of winter. Yes.
So that is snow. Go YouTube it.
Don't you wish you were here to see this! I couldn't hear them, but I bet they were fabulous!
They looked great. 
Yay mission leaders! 
So that is snow.
We heart the temple!
Same ramen. Same.
Oh. We made chocolates. And Asuka chan came so that we could go too! I love her. Please be baptized. 
The concert. YAY! 

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