
Friday, February 9, 2018

All You Can Eat Sushi and Road Trip

I took a road trip a few weeks back. I haven't gone on that long of a trip in a car since Princess Five was five!

I couldn't believe it had been that long since I went anywhere other than on a few plane rides for funerals and the like, I really haven't done any traveling forever!

I really didn't realized that until just now. Even on the trip and after, I didn't remember how long it has been. The furthest away I have been by car in that time was 6 hours each way I think....

Wow, I need a real vacation! Anyway, I had a dear friend call me on Wednesday and ask me if I wanted to go to visit her family for the weekend.

I don't like sitting for long amounts of time but I have a sister in the same state near where her family live, so I rushed to get everything packed and ready as she wanted to leave the next day.

We visited with her dad and step-mother and I had a great time meeting them and they were so kind to give me a bed and he cooked a wonderful breakfast every morning for us which I may share tomorrow. They run a catering business and I got some great tips on food prep I am excited to try.

They were so hospitable that they even had a charger that matched mine by the bed so I didn't have to get mine out. This was an issue because in my haste to pack, I forgot it was not mine and had to overnight it the day I got back! lol

I was able to take my sister and her daughter out to dinner, fill up their suburban as they picked me up and help them pack up my nieces room as she just left to go serve as a missionary for the next 18 months so we packed everything into storage bins and hauled them to their storage unit!

My sister has health issues and couldn't manage moving them all down the stairs and out to the car so I was glad I was able to help her do that!

One thing I thought was so cool, but not,  was "pay at the table" credit card machines but it was a bit annoying having it on the edge of the table and I guess they want to sell your kids play time on the device but I was frustrated I paid a waiter when most everything was done at the table.

They then "asked politely" while telling me how to fill out the survey for their service if I would give them a good review but I thought I finished the survey only to find out when leaving the table I needed to hit one more "submit" button so I shared with our server that if they are going to ask for people to take the survey, they need to make sure and tell them to wait and hit the submit button. She said, "Oh, that would explain why everyone else has more comments on their tables than I have!"

She thanked me for sharing that with her but truly, even though I enjoyed her limited service, I didn't like that it automatically calculated exactly 20% onto my bill as I sometimes round up so they lost out there, and that the device was taking up table space and that I felt watched and obliged to fill out the survey and it removes the option for the customer and then they don't have to offer incentives for you to fill out the survey.

I really didn't like that as I had used my credit card and the survey is then linked to my name, and personal information so if the server felt gypped in any way, they could retaliate. Also, how can the company be sure that the waiter isn't filling out the survey's after the customer leaves as I had already paid when the survey came up, truly not the best idea in my opinion! 

I felt that it wasn't a good option and way for the situation to be handled and frankly, I would avoid that restaurant again due to that situation. My sister picked the place but I have enjoyed their food in the past but if the machines are nation wide, I would pick a different place to eat as it isn't food I couldn't live without! 

I loved this little town on the way that reminded me of many little towns in New England with several white steeples and windy snowy roads. 

I smiled when I saw this cute license plate, "Snuwpee" driving in front of us. It made me think of Princess Three that collects fun Snoopy items. Cute vanity plate. 

My favorite thing on the trip was the "all you can eat" sushi place. I laughed and laughed when we finished there and drove all the way back to her parents to call my sister to come get me and she lived the 30 minutes drive less than 2 miles from the sushi restaurant where we had met one of her brothers for lunch. When we approached her house, we came from a different direction as we stopped for gas and I recognized the grocery store in a strip mall and she said, "and yes, there is the all you can eat sushi store three doors down!" If we had come from the other direction for sushi, I would have known she was only a few miles away! It was super funny but the place was heaven! Just look at the plate at the top, that was half of my meal and the presentation and food was amazing!!!!!! 

It was kinda nice not having anyone to worry about at home. I have never had that kind of freedom in 30 years! It was GREAT! I think I need to plan a few more vacations now that I can! I may need to visit my sister again just to eat all you can eat sushi! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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