
Monday, February 5, 2018

She's a Comedian - Princess Five the Improvist

I had the opportunity to do something I have never done before this weekend. Princess Five auditioned for an
improvisational comedy group and was in two shows this weekend!

A few weeks back, Princess Five tried out to be in an impov comedy group at college. She was super excited to tell me that she had become an alternate on the comedy team! Truthfully, I was a bit relieved that she was only an alternate as she is taking 19 credits this semester and has a minor lead in the musical production of "Into the Woods" they are performing in a month.

I know she needs to keep up her grades to maintain her scholarship to head onto the four year college eventually so I worry about her being overwhelmed during finals etc.

Princess Five texted me earlier this week and told me that she was going to be in the show this weekend which then turned into two shows this weekend. Who could be sad about that as that would mean I would get to visit her and do one of my favorite things on this earth..... watching my kids perform and use their talents.

I have ever only missed a handful of any performance my girls ever did and they know it is seriously one of my favorite things to enjoy as they are so talented! I hope they continue to use their talents so I can continue enjoying their performing!

I worked it out so that I could go and take her to dinner before the show and she picked her favorite spot. I also surprised her with two sushi trays for her to eat later as a snack after the show.

She picked a Mexican place with salad as she is trying to work on being more healthy. She has given up sugar so I am super proud of her for that. And, as you can see by the upper picture, she has been able to drop a bit of the weight she put on after her car accident since she wasn't able to dance anymore. She has been making great choices and is also trying to use up all the food she hauled to college so she won't have to take it home when she graduates this May. 

I am very proud of her getting everything done in one year to graduate early. She had many college concurrent classes during high school which helped but I am so grateful that she was able to get good enough grades to help with tuition. She has been able to work this year as well and made $1000 working at the college. That, along with several scholarships has made it work for her this year.

While we were at dinner, her boss and family came into the restaurant and she got to visit with them. She loves her boss which is always a good thing! 

I dropped her off to pick up her car, and then headed to the show. Imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw three kids from our high school that are attending the college she is and one is one of my dearest friends son! I thought what a small world it is! I got to take a picture of them and also take a few pictures of the comedy group before the show for Princess Five as she may not be in any more of the shows this semester. 

It all worked out so well other than the camera issues I have. Her phone was full, my phone doesn't have any memory, my battery on the smaller camera doesn't hold a charge and I don't want to purchase a new one due to the sound card issues on all of the cameras as they are 11 years old and so it always sounds like a fan is blowing in the videos. I was able to get a few little videos before the battery died but was sad I couldn't get it all. 

I will be getting a new camera soon hopefully before my new grandson comes in April! 

She did a fun "dating game skit" where she has to guess the identity of the three contestants. One was a queen about to be beheaded, the second was "morphing into the cliffs of Ireland" and the third was doing a makeover on a person in the audience! She did fairly well at guessing who they were! 

It was so wonderful to see Princess Five perform and doing something she enjoys! She just shines when performing and I love seeing her truly happy as she is when she is on stage. She is going places and am I grateful to go along for the ride! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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