
Friday, February 2, 2018

Making Homemade Slime To Detect Parasites - Part 2

I shared in yesterdays post that one of my viewers called "Not Happy" shared a comment about how her daughter is really into making slime and when the daughter played with the slime, no burrow holes were detected but when the mom (my viewer) played with the slime, within a few days, she would have burrow holes in the slime and suggested that perhaps the slime acted like a petri dish for the parasite. Here is a link to that post and how I made the "slime."

I have had the jar of slime on my counter for about five days now. I played with the slime for about 20 minutes allowing the moisture of the slime to sit on the top of my hands where I have rashes on and off for the past few years. I then tapped the jar for about 10 minutes, like you would a cake, to try and get any, and all bubbles out of the slime to eliminate air bubbles making the trails in the slime.

The moisture in the slime would be a great attractant for these parasites as this is a water parasite I have been diagnosed with. It is called "Horsehair Nematomorpha" and it LOVES water. It comes to the surface whenever I get into the shower. Our family has had rashes spread through dishtowels, wet on wet contact, like me holding one of the girls while at the lake in the boat, so I believe "not happy" was right in her assumption due to what I have witnessed over the past few days.

I would pick the jar of slime up and look at it daily and it seems like more and more "burrow" type holes have shown up in the slime. I can't say for sure that it isn't some latent chemical reaction as I am not a chemist, but just looking at the slime, the burrow holes go in different directions and it has been sitting straight on the counter for days now. I have not touched the slime in any way since putting it into the jar and tapping it to get the air out. I have had a lid on it 99.9% of the time and just removed the top to see what it looked like once a day. 

I was going to post a few days back but didn't get to it so I was glad when Princess Two came down for a visit today as her phone camera is better with lighting than the other cameras and the sound is also much better. I really need to get shopping for a better camera! I used her camera and the video came out so much better than any I tried to take with my cameras or computer due to lighting issues. 

You can decide for yourself, but I am convinced that there is something to what "not happy" suggested in her comment to me. I may do a few more experiments leaving it on a glass plate to see if there are burrow trails that you can actually see like on a petri dish as the milky white of this doesn't allow us to follow the trails. I may try and make my own petri dish if I can find a container that would work. 

I will just post the video and pictures and allow you to decide for yourself but I am thinking she is on to something! Hopefully science will figure this out soon and we can be done with this horrible "Kraken" nightmare for good! 

Thank you "Not Happy" for sharing your findings with us so we can all learn from this! Have a Blessed Day!

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