
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Working on my Third Blessing Frame - I am so Blessed

I've had a collection of stuff for my gratitude frame for over a year now. I worked on my other frame a few years back and then I added a few things to the second frame a few times and today, I opened the back and added a few more small items to the edges.  

I have been so busy doing other projects and family stuff that this pile of wonderful things I am grateful for, has been collecting dust while waiting to be placed in a frame so that I can constantly be reminded of all that I am grateful for!

For the smaller items, I was just stuffing them onto the front of my second and larger gratitude frame but it was getting rather full. I had this picture of Princess Five after her bad car rollover stuck to the front as well and one of the girls mentioned the "Big" picture I had of her there. 

I told them I wanted a big picture of it because it is the biggest BLESSING of my life having her survive that accident. You can see a post about that here. I am SO grateful she is alive! Getting that phone call that she was in an accident made everything else in life seem so small and petty. Family really is the best thing in life! 

She was grateful to be alive but she was also very grateful that her guitar was "ok" after being thrown from the car and the carrying case being ripped etc. Truly a huge blessing for her! 

I spent a few hours cutting out the items from programs, tickets, receipts, note cards, letters, bills,and programs. I hope to have five blessing frames some day. That way, if my girls all want one, they can all have a blessing reminder of wonderful things in our lives. There is something on each of them pertaining to each girl and I am so blessed to have so many blessing that I can hardly fit them into the frames. 

I love that I walk past these frames many times daily and smile at different things that catch my eye reminding me of how blessed I am and how blessed we are as a family! 

I hope we can always recognize our blessings and share them with others. Have a BLESSED Day! 

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