
Monday, January 8, 2018

Musical Cars - My Used Car Lot - We're Having A Sale - 1111

I finally am starting to feel a bit better from the strep and exhaustion I was feeling the week after Christmas. 

I got all the laundry done, bedding washed and replaced, decoration put away and after a few days of doing nothing, it felt good to get a few things off my "to do" list over the weekend. I wanted to share how many times I have seen 111 this past week or so. I have had 111 three times on my blog / youtube for subscribers for the month or other numbers but yesterday, I had 1111 viewer from the US on my blog.

I am selling three cars at the moment. My front yard looks like a used car lot. With Princess Three buying herself an SUV and my dad and "mom" helping me get a new car, we have those two available. I then traded out Princess Two for my mothers Honda that I was driving and have her Suzuki for Princess Four who is on a mission and I already had her Suzuki sitting at the mechanics waiting for a small bit of work but since she was gone, it has just been in his lot for over a year now. 

Her Suzuki is for sale and the little Metro which has gone through almost ever child after I drove it for years. I have my dad's Lincoln Town Car which I drove for about a year and hit the deer in but it is rear wheel drive and I don't trust it for out of town driving so it has just been sitting since I got my mothers Honda just under two years ago now. 

So, we are playing musical cars and I have my Fathers Town car, my Mothers Honda, the Suburban my brother-in-law found for us, A Suzuki from my 2nd Brother which he sold us cheap when his kids updated, a Suzuki I bought for Princess One on her wedding as they needed another car which we purchased back last year when they bought a new car after Princess Five Rolled its twin car which was also a silver Suzuki which my father helped us get and the white Suzuki which my dad helped us purchase when Princess Two moved down to live with my Uncle to attend a performing art school for her senior year in High School ten years ago and last the Metro which my dad helped me get when the gas for the suburban was keeping me up at night in about 2006ish. 

Can you see how BLESSED I am with family members who watch out for my needs and the needs of my children! Almost every car we own has been with the help of a family member! I know some people laugh and joke about the used car lot or the state of some of the cars but I consider myself SO blessed to have been able to enjoy these cars and always have safe, reliable transportation. 

Most of the cars even get good gas mileage and that makes me super happy as well. It is nice when the kids get enough saved up to purchase the cars they would "like" rather than what mom  can find. Either way, I am just grateful we have been so blessed to always have transportation! 

I think I have at least one of the cars sold as they are coming for a final checkout today and have had two others interested and test driving so hopefully I will be able to get some funds to help pay back those who have helped me so much getting these cars over the years! 

I also want to thank those who gave my children rides to early morning drill team or rides home from school as I couldn't afford insurance when Princess One was of driving age so she wasn't able to get her license until she was a bit older but people were always so kind to give us rides when needed! 

Lastly, I have to thank my Mechanic "Big V" as he has helped me with all my cars for about 20 years now and I can say that I truly love that man! He has always come through fixing things in emergencies for us to have a car to head out of town to allowing my car to be stored for over a year on his lot while Princess has been on her mission etc. He knows all my cars inside and out and I feel really BLESSED to have him in my world! I don't know what I will do if he ever retires! 

Thanks Dad and "Mom" (step mom in name only as I love her like my mother), and my mom for their cars and for my brothers who have helped install radios and work on cars as needed! I often wonder why I am so blessed when many people would kill for one car or for the chance to even have a car, or drive. Most people in the world will never own one car let alone the 8 I own presently along with my trailer and home! I am SO BLESSED!!!! 

I also want to give Gratitude to God for allowing my Princess Five to survive that nightmare car accident 18 months ago and I get tears each time I look at the smashed car and think she survived it!

If you know anyone that may want a car for the high school student or college student, have them give me a call as I have a few still available! 

Have a BLESSED Day!

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