
Monday, January 29, 2018

Haters Hate But I am Poppin - Comments From Viewers and Parasite Update Video

I have been on youtube since April 2010! I wish I had started putting up more videos back then but with my slow internet, it wouldn't have worked so I am grateful I was able to make short videos and upload them back then as I do think people like shorter videos anyway so it has worked for me. 

Since that time almost 8 years ago, I have learned so many things. I know there is still so much I could learn but this was never about making money or becoming a youtube star so I haven't really put much effort into promoting my blog or videos. 

Since getting diagnosed with this parasite, I have LOTS of people looking at the parasite videos and I have many videos on other subjects that people have liked and shared and hopefully enjoy.

Since I have been gaining more views, I really have learned some things. I shared a little about that on a post I wrote a few months back after Taylor Swift released her new song about "Look What You Made Me Do" and I thought I needed to write a bit more on that subject today. 

I have no fan base, I have not many followers, I actually have no desire to even have any of my parasite information online and if I didn't feel it was something I felt God wanted me to do for many years, I wouldn't have EVER posted any of it online. 

I would gladly remove all the parasite posts if I didn't feel it was a "calling" or "Mission" of sorts for me to get this parasite out there and hopefully through my be willing to expose intimate details of my world, others may be saved. 

I believe that they will find that this parasite is linked to many, many health problems and to the high suicide rate. I also believe that this parasite will be linked to autism. I have people telling me I am "crazy" on my youtube videos dealing with this parasite because it isn't supposed to be a human parasite. Horsehair nematomorpha has over 2000 species. 

I don't understand why people can't fathom that even one of those 2000 sub-species could transfer to humans while drinking contaminated water, foods, soil etc. However, some people seem to think they know more than the Dr. and Labs that diagnosed me. They feel that they know more than the person who has had to live with this horrible nightmare for five years or more. 

I have haters sending their friends to view the video they seem to think makes me crazy where I talk about praying for help finding a way to get some relief from the heavy weight and burning in my chest when the parasites burrow from the heart to the lungs. I talk about dreams that I have had the have come true. I wouldn't have pushed so hard for a diagnosis to begin with if I hadn't had several dreams about parasites, cats spreading it, and getting it diagnosed. 

I can't see what it matters where the inspiration came from. I could say a serial killer told me about it and people would accept that, but mention God in any form and I am crazy. 

I learned that the type of person who writes those comments is looking for your negative energy and it is better to delete and ignore than to try and explain myself. If I have a piece of gold and I know it is gold, I don't have to defend It, but if it is fake gold, I will try and sell it and oversell it to others because I don't believe it myself. 

I know I don't have to defend myself to those haters and frankly, I believe that it is many times the same person with many different user names posting negative comments and clicking thumbs down. 

Interesting thing about it all, when I get lots of views from the "Look at the crazy chick in this video" posts on haters websites, I end up getting more views, more followers and more income! So, the haters can hate but in the end, I am better all around. 

I was at a church meeting today for a friend of mine whose daughter is headed out as a missionary for our church next week. In her talk today, she quoted a scripture that made me think of the haters that have written the past few weeks, it is Acts 5:41 and 42. 
"41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.
42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ"

This scripture is talking about Christ's apostles being beaten for his sake. This young missionary said, that she realized that if people were cruel to her on her mission or spoke unkind words, that she was uplifted that she "would count herself worthy to suffer for His name" and then she shared the scripture she wanted on her picture that will hang in the wall of the chapel until her return and it is Alma 17:11 "... yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that you may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls." 

So, I am grateful for the sweet missionary sharing her testimony today reminding me to continue to "walk away with a sparkler" as I posted in the linked post about Taylor Swift. 

I don't want you to think all the comments are "haters" as I have some super sweet people commenting and wanted to share three of them with you today. 

Betty wrote today saying: "I just today found your story. I, for one believe you and I believe in you. I hope you find a solution to your ordeal. Good luck in all you do."

Lindsay wrote yesterday: "Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you’re getting better. Don’t understand why people are so hateful. Remember, If you ain’t got haters, you ain’t poppin. 😉"

I replied to Lindsay thanking her for her kind words of support and she wrote me back today saying: "thesecretisgratitude ...and you just made my day. Thank you. Hopefully people reading the comments will see how being kind to one another lifts one spirits. Hope you’re having a better day. Sending prayers your way."

Kira just posted, "I'm so sorry you are suffering with this. I believe I have this unfortunately and thru trial and error I've been having to self medicate due to the fact that every doctor says there isn't anything wrong. Thanks for sharing your story with us...much love🤗god bless🙇‍♂️"
I am SO grateful for people who take the time to give gratitude for a video I have posted that helped them or to just give a thumbs up as it is feedback to how I am doing and I appreciate when KIND people take the time to share. So, THANK you to all those of you who are understanding of my parasites, exhaustion, faults, and can see through that to see someone who is doing her best to share what she knows with others and loves her friends and family! 

Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment! Have a BLESSED DAY!


  1. I forgot add to tea 1/2 tsp best cinimon u can get most oil 1/2 tsp cyane pepper

    1. Hey, not sure what this goes with but guess there must have been a post before this. Hope to know what the other portion of this post was.... Have a Blessed Day!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
