
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Exhaustion Is Real - Iron Deficiency

I have shared that I have been super tired lately. I drag myself out of bed after 10 hours sleep or more and I am still exhausted and several days have just climbed back into bed laying so tired for an hour or two. 

I tried to give up drinking Coke and did OK for about a week but for the past two weeks or so, I can barely get anything done. I have to push myself and drink lots of Coke to get anything done. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat, how much sleep I get or anything that way. 
I have been taking handfuls of vitamins and that also hasn't made any difference. As I write this, I realized that I haven't been eating the apricot or avocado pits and that usually helps me not be so tired. I will have to take some tomorrow and see how it goes. 

I was so tired today that I just laid on the carpet in the front room in the sun for at least an hour as I was so tired. I had several people come to the door so I figured I would just drink more coke and try to get something done today as I have so much to do before Christmas. 

I tried this liquid iron my sister-in-law told me about a few years back but it was $25 a bottle and it lasted a week. I did feel better but at $100 or more a month, I couldn't afford it. I used to get herbal iron from a woman who worked out of her home and it worked great but she passed away and I didn't know where to get it again. 
My sister called the manufacturer and started ordering it and I got a few bottles from her and I ran out awhile ago and pulled off this label thinking I would order but then I couldn't remember where I put the label.

I looked around for the label today as I was so tired today and need to get stuff done. I couldn't find the label so I got the number from my sister and called the company and they asked if I had a health food store in our town. I called my local store and asked if he would order some in. He said he would let me know after looking into it.

I didn't hear back from him but being so tried I took a few tablespoons of Black Strap Molasses as it is supposed to help with iron. I just worry about the sugar but I guess it can't be much worse than the Coke I have been downing to try and get stuff done. 

While I was on the phone with my local health food store, I opened a cupboard and found the label. I told him what the pills had in them and hope he decides to get some in. I truly can't express how tired I am! 

I hope I feel better tomorrow. Have a Blessed Day!

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