
Monday, December 4, 2017

Cleaning the Interior Car Vinyl or Plastic - Self Detailing Your Automobile

As a mom, things can change on a dime. You never know what your plans will be from one phone call to the next. 

Since having all my children out of the house, things have calmed down this way tremendously. Yet, every so often you get a call that shifts your plans. I had such a call this weekend. 

After getting my new car, (Thanks Dad and Mom Judy) I suggested to Princess Two that she take the car I had been driving that was my mothers before her death. It is a better car and is an automatic as she is currently driving a stick shift manual transmission car. 

She kept telling me she really liked her car and my dad helped me get it for her during her senior year as she was moving to a school for the arts three hours from home. She was living with my uncle and needed a car to get to school every day. She has been driving that car for nearly 10 years on and off. 

 I think in some ways it was sentimental for her to keep driving the other car but since she doesn't live near family that can help her with a broken car, she worries more than the other girls about car issues. Knowing that, I suggested many times that she take the better car but she insisted she didn't want it.  

I didn't clean it out or detail the car since Princess Five won't need one until she gets home from her missions from Japan in April. I had the car parked in the driveway as I am going to sell three cars since Princess Three bought herself a new SUV and I got a new car and we have Princess Fours car while she is on her mission. So, it looks like I have a used car lot as I still have a suburban to haul the trailer as well. 

Princess Two came home worried about her car and decided she would take my mother Honda that has low miles but is a 1994! It has seen better days but for the most part, I cleaned it up just after my mother moved out but then she passed away and Princess Five rolled her car, a new grandson etc kept me from getting to "detailing" the car even thought I cleaned the inside and trunk some, I never got to the doors etc. 

I also got a door ding from a red car a few months back that left a mark so I wanted to clean it up before Princess Two took it. She called late on Friday night while I was traveling to watch Princess Five in a production. We met late that night at my home after I traveled back and she traveled from her home. We were up all night fixing some issue on things and got to bed at 7 a.m. 

I got a call at 10:30 and knew I needed to find a place to fix the two flattened tires as most places in this small town are closed on Saturday or close at noon. I took it to a station and had both rims cleaned and hopefully that fixed the flat issue. It needed a bolt in the fender as well which I did and then got an oil change and filled the car with gas. 

There was a filmy substance on the inside windows and we washed the inside and outside of the windows four times before they were streak and film free. I then had her help vacuum the car and clean out her old car and put all her stuff in the new car while I did some cleaning and painting on her car. 

I figured out the fastest and most effective way to clean the inside plastic and interior vinyl on the car. I wish I had figured it out sooner but "better late than never" applies here. 

Totally Awesome Cleaner and Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are my new favorite car detailing tools! They worked so well and fast that it made light work of the inside doors and door thresholds as well as the interior console area that gets grit in the "texture" areas. I just sprayed the area with the totally awesome cleaner and then took the wet magic eraser and lightly scrubbed the area and it was clean in seconds. I rinsed the area with wet paper towels to get the residue off and this worked on the steering wheel and seats as well. 

We bought new seat covers that are trendy for the front and back seats and finished cleaning the interior and vacuumed the trunk and edges of the trunk and dash where leaves had collected. We finished about 8 p.m. and my whole body hurt only getting a few hours sleep and then bending all day, washing windows and cars and at times, climbing under the wheels to bolt things etc. I was SO tired in the end, I showered and was in bed by 8:30 p.m. I was one tired momma. 

I think you can see, in the picture at the top, that Princess Two was happy with her new car as I snapped a picture just before she left. Hopefully, this car will alieve some of her "car anxiety" as Hondas are reliable. I am so blessed to have the problem of having so many cars! 

I have to thank my dad again here. He and his wife (mom Judy) for their constant generosity in finding and helping screen and purchase cars that are reliable for my entire driving life! 

I am blessed with great family and cars! Have a Blessed Day! 

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