
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Shelves Get a Face Lift - Super Tired For Days

 I have dragged since the holiday as I think I overdid it working long hours and sleeping little as well as lots of travel and driving. I can't seem to shake the exhaustion. I slept most of the day yesterday and woke earlier today and just dragged climbing back into bed but knowing I have so much to get done that I just lay there for over an hour trying to get up. It wasn't my best day! 

I took vitamins this week, have been trying to eat regularly and not overdo but I am just dragging so much. I got nothing done yesterday but forced myself to empty these shelves, wash them and then paint them today. I need to paint the other side of the shelves tomorrow and then let them dry for a day or two before putting anything on them but I have a heater and fan in the garage to help the paint dry but it does feel good to be able to see improvement in some area even if I am not getting to everything I want to get done. 

I have had lots of people writing me on the blog and my youtube channel so I have taken a few hours replying to comments and I did some bills tonight just so I could sit down and work. I think I need some iron as I am just SO tired. I need to buy some red meat tomorrow and see if that helps any. 

I hope I feel better soon as I am really struggling. I hope you have a Blessed Day!

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