
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Nasty Spam Type Ham and Water Product Ruined the Holiday Mood

I am so frustrated with this company and their false advertising. Look at this label. What stands out in large print. HAM!!!!  Then comes the smaller "and water" product.

If you look closely at the small portion of the label which with my fading eyesight I missed, you will see that  35% OF THE  PRODUCT IS NON HAM OR WATER ADDITIVES WITH A "PORTION" OF HAM ADDED!

This is the grossest thing ever! The product looks like spam but doesn't taste as good as spam and TWICE now, I have bought it thinking it was ham!!!! Fool me once... But, fool me twice! SO FRUSTRATED at their false advertising. It should read "Ham FLAVORED BY PRODUCT or HAM SLUDGE!" 

There wasn't a stitch of Ham in the entire thing. Just mushy texture that was the texture of cow tongue and I wouldn't be surprised if there were tongue in the product as it has "added ingredients" with a portion of Ham! 

I purchased this as they have a covering over the sludge ball that makes it look like it is ham but it is a plastic wrap of some kind that you have to peel off. It cuts like spam and when you cook it, it burns very quickly as there has to be LOTS of flavoring and sugar in it to give it some less sludgy flavor so I think the sugar caramelizes and causes burning over browning.  I showed the pan at the end as you can see it was just burned. 

The first batch I cut into small pieces and told Princess Five to use it in omelets as I purchased it for her the day we moved her to school as I know she would need protein so I cooked it up and it was so gross but I couldn't return it late at night as I was headed home so I figured in small amounts she could stomach it but this one, it actually tasted bad like some of the "added ingredients" were bad. Not one of us could take more than one bite and I actually spit mine out as it tasted so gross.

I returned it to the store very frustrated today as it is false advertising. I don't think legally they should be able to say "Ham" if it is less than 100% ham. It should say, "Ham byproduct" otherwise. 

I always make up some hash browns, eggs, and bacon or ham over the holidays so that no matter what time people get up, there is always a warm breakfast ready to heat up as everyone gets up at different times. It was frustrating to me not to have the ham but I wasn't going to head out late at night on Thanksgiving eve to return and purchase a new ham so we went meatless breakfasts for the holiday. 

I just figured I would blog this as I think people should beware of false meat. Make sure that you are buying HAM only in the ingredient section. Just because it looks like ham, in now way means it is ham. I will always be checking forever more the ingredients on the ham I purchase and I suggest you do as well!

Have a Blessed and Abundant Day! 

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