
Monday, November 6, 2017

Halloween In Japan - Princess Four

Hello to all of you beautiful friends and family out there! Everybody Genki? It is so cold here but we are happy!  
So fun miracles:
Our investigator Noa who is 12 came to church with her friend...... We didn't even ask or anything... Like this is how dendo was designed to be!!! This was her first time at church I think.. Yeah we will send pictures of the baptism! 

OUR HALLOWEEN PARTY WAS OFF THE CHAIN!!! So many people! I was in charge of Bingo. It was so fun. Some kids said that was their favorite part, so that really made my day! It couldn't have happened without our Eikaiwa moms and the church members! They are the real MVPs! 

I broke my ipad screen... Like its a spooky spiderweb for this Halloween..

SO SORRY KAMISAMA! But I got a new one for free, and since they are switching to tablets, I didn't beat myself up to hard about it. But the story with me breaking it goes like this. We taught a lesson, but I ended up just spouting off the whole restoration, and I could tell the investigator was uncomfortable, but I didn't know how to stop, or what to say, so I kept going. So I was feeling a little blue. But I didn't want to be sad, so I told myself, "be happy" and I was. And to show I was happy, I boosted my bag to buckle the fanny pack feature(it saves me everyday) but my bag was open, so my ipad fell out while trying to buckle it..

We visited one more person, and I saw a young lady standing by her bike. It was time to go home but the spirit said to talk to her. I thought about how since I broke my ipad I could use that as an excuse to feel sorry for myself, and not talk to her.  BUT THAT WAS TOTALLY SATAN, AND WHO EVEN WANTS TO LISTEN TO THAT GUY?! So we went over... Yeah... SHE was on her way to an Eikaiwa class with her Christian teacher..... Umm... And she had a Bible in her bag.... And said she wanted to learn more... WHAT THE WHAT?! Yeah. God is too good sometimes! 

We seriously find people all the time, not even on purpose most the time. God just places them in our path! 

Zone conference was the bomb. We can now get ONLINE! So.. that will be a good time! So many marriages and babies I didn't know about.... 
I wish I had more time to write the extreme amount of miracles! 

Fyi I had Japanese in my dream last night in case you were wondering... I don't think I understood it though... lol

See the goods this week!

This is my ipad.
I am in heaven! 
My bingo partner! Sister Suzuki! She is clearly the best.
Seconds before my beloved Suda shimai poured ramen on our skirts... but its ok! 
Oh look. Suda shimai!
My cute zone! 
this melted, but it snowed again today.... so Its cool...
Halloween! OH We were Nephites/Lamanites/American Indians.. it was a good time!
The end! 

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