
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Greetings From Cold Japan - Missing End I think

Don't really know how to start off this email other than saying, MINASAN KONNICHIWA!!! BEPPIN DESU NE! Hello. You are all beautiful. That is all. 
This weeks subject line was brought to you by my companion. I will miss her dearly... Oh its also transfer weeks this week. Pray for me! 

I taught the cutest half Japanese, half African Children on splits this week. It was a highlight. But really. Splits were sooooo goood! I was with Komura shimai.

The sister who speaks fluent English and Japanese. She is transfer one. And is like already to train someone else. I really love her! And my companion was able to go to a temple activity due to splits, so that was lucky too!! We taught a recent convert who is Chinese. She is a doll. It was weird having one native Japanese, Chinese, and English speaker all eating Ramen while speaking in Japanese about the Gospel. It was heaven. SO blessed.

So like my first day here we got rejected at a door, so we walked down the stairs, and caught a woman walking by. I totally forgot about her... until yesterday.... I don't understand the whole story probably... because lol.. Japanese!!! But she wasn't too interested when we met her, but she knew about/where our church was. Cut to yesterday. Two/three days before transfer calls. So like 6ish weeks. And my companions remembers to call a woman. Satou san.

The woman from before. TURNS OUT SHE KNOWS THE ELDERS IN A DIFFERENT AREA WHO DO SERVICE, AND THEY SOMEHOW KNOW EACH OTHER... and also her son is a member... WHAT?! She is coming to sacrament meeting.(The primary program week), this week. SO.... yeah.. I really don't understand all of it, but I'm looking forward to Sunday! 

Yesterday Kurose shimai took us to 2 appointments, and one of them canceled on us at the door, but that woman is an angel, and I seriously cannot begin to tell you how important members are in Hastening this work! Like Yoshiho shimai... and just. Yes.. I can't even. Our fridge is so full of free food! I love JAPAN! And the people in it! 

Met the super model in our ward who is less active. She speaks English, and took us out for dinner. I am grateful for the spirit prompting us to visit her! 

It is cold here, but love, and the light of Christ keeps us warm. And so do members cars when they give us rides! 

Something that I have been struggling with is JAPANESE!! Team. I just don't get it sometimes. (I think we are missing the end of the email here. I wrote her and hopefully in next weeks email we can have the ending.) 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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