
Thursday, October 26, 2017

This Isn't What I Planned - Here is Hoping

It is almost 7 a.m. and I am still awake. I have been working super hard on the yard and inside of the house. I have been working on cleaned minerals off the big picture window aluminum siding for days now and pruning trees and cleaning out the storage room in the basement after dark.

I put away a few boxes that have been out since my mother lived with me nearly 2 years ago. I would get company and push them into a stack as I didn't have time to get to going through the stuff. There were a few from Easter a few years back when I sent my mother home just before she died. I have had so much happen since that time with her death, dealing with her estate, Princess fives roll over, my health issues, new grandchildren, other family members surgeries and my own surgeries etc that I truly haven't had time to get to stuff. 

I was going to post about games that we played, but my camera is out in the garage as I was taking pictures and video of the window for a blog and forgot to bring it in. I tried to upload a few more videos and they took hours and nothing finished and I am happy to say that hopefully by the next time I blog, I will have new internet and pray that I can actually upload movies without having to reset my internet five times and waiting 2 hours for a minute video. 

So, this wasn't what I had planned, but it is what it is. At least I am getting stuff off my "to do" list as the picture window has been on my "list" since I cleaned and teak oiled the garage door three years back. 

I am missing my girls as they helped me so much on the washing of the garage door. The window has so many layers of red dirt and minerals on it that I have been scrubbing for two days and letting it soak with the CLR remover on it. I nearly finished cleaning it today but my squeegee shredded and I had to leave to purchase a new one and it got dark before I could do a the sides and final wash so hopefully tomorrow I have time to get it done and can teak oil it and share pictures and video of before and after. 

Have a BLESSED Day!

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