
Friday, October 27, 2017

Oh Happy Day - New Internet

I didn't sleep much as you know, I went to bed super early this morning and I woke not much later with a headache.

I have had several this week with nausea. I was on some antibiotics and think they messed up my stomach and caused some headaches. I couldn't get back to sleep once I was awake so I got up and took some pills hoping it would take the edge off as I had the cable guy coming today. 

I got ready and literally as soon as I was ready, there was a knock at the door. It freaked me out a little as there was no one at the front door and no car in sight. I went to the back door and there were two guys there. I visited with them and it was great, they were in and out in just over an hour or so. 

They hooked it up, visited for a minute as I logged on with my devices and it was amazing. I walked around the house with several devices streaming youtube and Netflix and was thrilled with the service. I didn't have any hesitations or swirling "thinking" circles while it updated and had to catch up or anything. 

I then gave it the "upload" test by uploading a 3:21 min video to youtube and was sad that the video took 22 minutes to upload. It took almost 7 minutes per minute of video to upload which can seem long but compared to all night with several reconnections, it was amazing! 

I took a "check your speed" test on download and upload from three different sites and found it interesting that two were similar and one was over twice the speed difference on upload and half again on download and one site couldn't register an upload speed after several tries. 

At least I am getting what I am paying for which has never happened in all the time I have been in this house. I am at the ten mps download and 1 upload. I may need to jump up to a faster upload speed if I want to do longer videos but for now, I am super happy as it takes me way more than 20 minutes to answer questions online and write my blog so it isn't a big deal. The pictures took a min or two to upload but sometimes it took 20 minutes to upload so I am so happy! 

After all that, my head was still not happy and my stomach was not far behind so I went and sat in the sun in the front room and smiled when I saw a double rainbow just below my mothers picture. I had to get up and get my camera so I could share the rainbow with you as you know, it is a sign from my mom that she is watching out for me. I have lots of posts about rainbows and how I see them when I need them.

You can search for those posts by typing "rainbow" into the search box at the bottom of the home page. I have seen, heard, had people mention them about 20 times in the past two weeks. I DO think my mom is aware of me and is just reminding me she is there in heaven watching out for me.

I can happily say I will be calling my other provider tomorrow and canceling service! SO HAPPY!

Have a Blessed Day!

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