
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

One Plus One Equals Three - Happy Grandma

Princess One made the GREATEST announcement recently. Totally LOVE that she is expecting! Would you imagine the creative process needed to come up with these cute shirts! 

This is how she announced to her friends she was expecting. They are wearing these as their Halloween costumes this year! I thought it was really cute and fun! 

This is really how I learned she was expecting! She sent and email to Princess Four who is currently serving as a missionary in Japan. She had Princess Four make a video telling the rest of the family that she was expecting. 

I was slow on viewing the video due to being busy cleaning  out a kitchen cupboard at the time it was sent. Princess Five saw the video and then took a hidden video of me watching the video. I don't look all that fabulous but my reaction is fun. I hope you enjoy the videos as much as I did! 

Since she was taking the video on stealth mode, the video was sideways so I video taped my computer screen sideways so that the video was upright, thus the little view bar going up the right of the video but it allowed me to delete names so it worked. 

This is one EXCITED Grandma!!!! Have a Blessed Day! 

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