
Thursday, October 12, 2017

ARRRRG - Internet Frustrations Will Hopefully Be Over Soon

I have been trying to upload this few minute video for well over an hour and it wasn't even starting for at least 1/2 hour. 

I have had to turn off my WiFi ten times and back on and it got stuck at 33% and hasn't moved for forty minutes. I had to re-upload my pictures about five or six times for the same photo as the "internet connection was lost" and they wouldn't upload. I wanted to go to bed hours ago so I am going to just post this. 

I called and switched internet carriers over a week ago but they couldn't get into a neighbors back yard to hook me up so they said they would get back with me the next day after contacting the neighbor and would probably be here to hook it up this week! 

It has been a week and a half and I haven't heard back from them at all in any way! It is hard living in a small town. If their customer service is anything like their service, I may be in trouble! 

Let's hope they are just having a bad week like my internet is having! I really am hoping to have better service soon. I talked to four different neighbors and two said they have the new internet provider and have great service. One said she has them and can't get the wifi to work in the basement but the installer said you can plug in "boosters" so I let them know that. The other neighbor said she has my current provider but it is hooked up on a different street and it works great. 

I am HOPING to have new service by next week! Have a Blessed Day!

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