
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Spider Bite Exhaustion

I had a video uploading all night and it never posted. I then tried to reupload it and it wouldn't upload due to it being a duplicate. 

I dragged all day. I have some hot swollen bug bite on my leg and have a migraine coming on. I checked a few things off my "to do" list but ended up lying down several times thought the day. I almost feel like I have a fever and am wondering about the spider bite. I have had a video uploading for hours and it is stuck at 41% again and this is the sixth time I have tried to upload this video. I think I will make calling a new internet service a priority tomorrow as I don't think it could be any worse than it is currently.

I had a friend drop over unannounced and she looked at my leg when I opened the door and told me she thinks something is wrong. I started crying as I am SO tired. I seriously can hardly walk through the house. With that, I am headed to bed and praying I can sleep tonight and wake with some energy tomorrow. I even took a protein shake today hoping it would help me feel better. No luck. 

Even my go to "coke" didn't help me have enough energy to mail a package to Princess Four today. It will have to wait until tomorrow and I pray I feel better and good enough to mail it. 

Sorry about the lame post but it is 8:30 p.m. and I am headed to bed. 

Have a BLESSED Day!

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