
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hello Hello - I'm At A Place Called Vertigo - Parasite Update

I am so sorry about my post yesterday. I went right to bed after posting at 8:30 p.m. and Princess Two called waking me at 12:30 p.m. today asking me if  I was "OK" as they were worried after reading my blog post.

I slept over 16 hours and have dragged all day today. The spider bite is still super red and hot and I had hot and cold sweats all night and most of the day today. I tried to take it easy today but wanted to get the package off to Princess Four in Japan on her mission. It was nearly $70 to mail it and most of it was just snack food but I know she could really use something to lift her spirits as she has been struggling for the past few months. Please keep her in your prayers as she is trying to figure out this weird illness and struggling with a non-English speaking companion. 

Any regular reader of my blog knows U2 is my favorite band. I have seen them many times live and their "Sunday Bloody Sunday" tape was the first album I ever purchased. 

It is sad for me to say that I have really connected recently with one of their newer songs (only newer than the older albums but nothing really new) "Vertigo." Here is the music video, the spinning really gives you an idea... 

Over the past few months, I have fallen once ripping out my good shoulder and hitting my already broken tail bone. It was while I was in the play and at that point, I didn't know I had vertigo. At a certain spot in the show, we were dancing up bent over and when I would stand, we would have to run backwards on stage and get into a line from the front of the stage. Several practices in a row, I would go black and almost fall again. 

Meanwhile, I lead the music in my Sunday church congregation Sacrament Meeting. I look down at the music and then up at the audience and then down at the music and up again. One Sunday, I felt light headed most of the meeting and there was a song just before the sacrament that I didn't know as well and looked down and up often. I blacked out and grabbed onto the music stand and wood railing near me. Not knowing what the cause was, I spoke to a Dr. friend at church and then went home early and went to bed. I thought perhaps I was having some anemia or heart symptoms. 

Between the play and church meetings, I would get a little light headed which would only happen usually if a storm front was moving in fast. During this time however, I would get dizzy daily and noticed myself having to grab onto things around me for balance and bearing. I would get nausea if I did something where I was up and down like pulling weeds in the yard etc. This was when I knew for sure it wasn't my heart but was vertigo. 

Church has become interesting as I have nearly fainted several times now. I thought about having someone else lead the music but I really love having that position as it gets me there early and I am always on time and feeling as horrible as I do most of the time, I worry that if I didn't have that responsibility, I may not go as often and I LOVE going to church and once I am there, even if I am not feeling the best, I usually stay, enjoying the spirit of fellowship. 

I have learned to pull the music stand up super high so I can just look down with my eyes and not my entire head. I lean against the wood railing. One of the biggest reasons Sundays were so bad, is that I always wear heels on Sunday and that would throw off my balance before looking up and down. So, I started wearing flat shoes. I also don't bow my head in prayer as that also caused it to be worse. Using those techniques, I have been able to keep my balance a bit more leading the music and I find myself touching the wall when I walk etc. 

Just tonight, I had a tree branch fall off in the latest storm and in breaking off the branches and picking them all up off the ground at dusk, I was walking around the back yard like a drunk. I am glad it was fairly dark as it would have been a funny sight for the neighbors. If I climb on a ladder as I did this week to fix a leak in the trailer roof, I just have to keep my head level as I climb the ladder and not look up or down. It is amazing how the body adapts to situation. 

It wasn't until a month or so ago that I realized that this symptoms was related to the parasite. My neighbor one house away has had vertigo for years. He even had surgery which didn't fix the problem. He is now in a nursing home with dementia type symptoms and also has left lower lung lobe issues the same as I do. I was talking to a neighbor one house away across the street and he also has been suffering from vertigo for several years. It was when he told me that recently, that I remembered my sister in law that has all the symptoms of the parasite, was in the ER several times about six months ago with vertigo and they couldn't fix her problem but found it was calcification formation somewhere in the inner ear. 

I realized that the calcification in the lungs, the calcification in the thyroid and now calcification in the inner ear are all parasite side effects. I have also started up with tinnitus ringing in my right ear the past few weeks. I know a few neighbors have complained about that in the past few years.

So, with all that new information, I thought I would make a few update videos on the parasite symptoms and things I have tried in the past year or so. I wish there were lots to report on a cure front but basically, just updated symptoms. Let's pray that someone can figure out a cure soon so that I can be done with this nightmare forever! 

Have a blessed day.

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