
Monday, May 15, 2017

Video Chat With a Princess - Missing Princess Four

One of the best Mothers Days EVER! I had such a great day. I know I have lots of health issues and stress in my world, but for forty minutes, I touched eternity!

For a few weeks now, Princess Four wrote telling us when she would be able to video chat with us. She shared that we would need to learn how to do a group skype and / or FaceTime with our family on Mothers Day!

I asked a few of the girls to figure it out as I have so much going on and am quite stressed with graduation coming up for Princess Five and all of the stuff I have going on in the house, yard and my mothers estate as well as some family issues with my extended family I am trying to deal with.

They figured it out and we walked through it several times this past week and we learned how to invite new people, and how to join others in and invite while on the call so we could be ready for any scenario.

In her last email, she told us what her user name was so I went in and invited her to be a contact and she also told us what time her call would be. It was morning for her but evening for us but it was nice as everyone was home on Sunday evening so everyone could be include on that call.

Princess Three went to Mt. Rushmore for the weekend so she was driving while we had the call and she missed about half of the call and was so worried she would miss it, she was super stressed until she got service but it worked out well.

Princess Four and her companion played and sang us a song as her companion plays the ukulele and so they sang us a duet for the holiday. It was beautiful and I am so glad I video taped it so I could share it with you!

Also, Grand-Princess One was so cute and sang her Aunt a Moana song, it was so adorable. I don't know the music well but the girls told me she sang the entire song. I thought for a young 2 year old, that was fairly good. I'm sharing it here. 

I don't think the call could have been any better with the babies being so adorable, Princess Four and her sunbeam smile, getting a song or two, and LOVING my family!

I will share later about the rest of my Mothers Day but I just LOVE my family. We all did well until Princess Three in her worry of missing the call got emotional so she had us all in tears near the end. Until Christmas, this will have to do!

I am SO BLESSED! I hope you all had a  BLESSED Mothers Day!

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