
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mothers Day Well Wishes From Japan - Princess Four

Well well well. If it isn't the most beautiful people I know. Happy Mother's Day to all you women out there. Mothers or not, I hope this day is filled with a lot of happiness! So you go out there and treat yo self. That's what i did...... After my amazing Mother's Day Skype with my family I may or may not have bought myself an ocarina(The wind instrument from Zelda) haha Musical instruments are a big thing in this mission. Half of the shimai have ukuleles so we will see if I become an owner of that as well... anyway.... haha


Something that was hard this week was sharing a very personal story to a less active member about addictions, buying her fruit and snacks to help her quit, and then having her smoke 3 cigarettes in front of us. I know she can quit, but finding motivation is sometimes hard.. we keep praying hard, and we quit おかし (okashi aka sugar) in order to help her. My natural man wanted to grab candy, and eat it in front of her to show her what her smoking in front of us feels like, but I tried as fast as I could to push those thoughts aside, and just love her. I have no place to judge her, and my addictions just aren't as visible as hers. We are all sinners here. I am working on charity, and I really can feel Christ's love for her! Prayer works! We have so many good ideas to help her, but she has to want to change. Hopefully showing her how much she is worth will help her. She is the same woman who made me a scarf and BoM case. I really want to see her go to the temple! We also sneakily heart attacked her bathroom door, so that a good idea. Haha

Oh. We also had a talent show! I danced. This makes the second talent show I have not planned, but been required to participate in. Raise the roof! It was so fun! It consisted of Balloon art, me dancing with a hopefully soon to be  investigator who is married to a less active member. He is awesome they are the parents of three kids. The cutest kids in the world probably... there was also musical instruments, dollar store magic, and a woman dressing up as the little mermaid and singing part of your world. Red hair and everything. She deserves a gold star! The members here  are so great! We cleaned the church, ate meat, and had a talent show all in one day. Life is good here people!

The family that I danced with is seriously so cute. They aren't the most wealthy, but they always share what they have, and are willing to listens to us. There kids are all small and rambunctious, but they still came and performed in the show. They will be blessed probably... and those blessings may come in the form of us teaching lessons! 

MY NIHONGO IS GETTING BETTER! I am still so not good, but at church I was able to understand most of what was said in one of the talks. And my companion taught Japanese to college students, and yesterday she told me that she knows I have the gift of tongues.  Really I am not that good folks, but I am improving which is rocking. God is blessing me. Pray for my Japanese please, because I still have a long ways to go! 

another blessing... I GET TO SEE ELDER OAKS AND My old Companion SHIAMI ALL IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY "mommy" AND AN APOSTLE OF THE LORD!!! YOSH!!!!! YATTA!! HOOORRRRAAAYYYY!!! We get transfer calls this Sunday..... then at elder oaks' conference we are switching companions, so idk how this transfer is almost already over.. but its fine.... 

I also received a lot of free food which is happy... and my iPad storage is full, so yay memories! 

One last cool experience. I was riding my bike asking God why he even created me. I have so much fear this transfer, and I really dislike it. It has just been really difficult for some reason. I caught myself being negative, the spirt probably reminded me actually, and tried to focus on the positive. I started thanking God for allowing me to know about the gospel, and how much of a blessing that is.  I then saw a woman with crutches making her way down the street, we were in a hurry and on bikes so I couldn't talk to her, but I thought about how she probably doesn't know what the purpose of life is. Our purpose is to feel Joy. Later i was thinking about the difference between pleasure and joy. Pleasure is fleeting, but joy is lasting. Smoking that cigarette brings pleasure, but not joy. Being lazy brings pleasure, not joy. I then found some really needed revelation after asking God where I should study. He guided me to Jesus the Christ. Chapter 17. Long story short. Let your light so shine before men. Keep the commandments because they will bring you joy. Choose ye THIS DAY whom ye will serve. I am going to try to choose God. I may make mistakes, but that is what the atonement is for. 

I love you all! As my MTC doryo says. Stay Genki. 
Princess Four

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