
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Still About Mothers Day - Sorry I'm Late

I got a great surprise for mothers day weekend. Princess Two decided to come down for the weekend.

I asked her to come help me clean out my closet. I have so much stuff in there I don't wear and it has become storage spot for court papers, family history projects, presents etc. I really want my closet to be only a closet again and with Princess Five graduating soon, I can remove all the court stuff for good! Yahoo for that!

She brought cut flowers and the funny thing is, she went to the store to get the flowers and almost ran into me! I was getting groceries for the weekend. She went to use a gift card at a clothes store so I could get home from shopping before she arrived.

I was surprised and thrilled to see her. She brought me the flowers and gave me a real pearl bracelet that is beautiful!

I found an orchid on the table with the funny note above. Princess Three was on a road trip to Mt. Rushmore for the weekend so she opted to send the live flower. I didn't know how to take care of it as I have never had an orchid. Good thing my amazing Step-Mom has a SUPER green thumb and lots of orchids. She told me how to water it using an ice cube. I figured since it was small, a half would work. Good thing I did that because Princess Five got instructions on how to take care of it and for some reason took them off the flower and put them in a drawer.

She didn't tell me about the flower or the instructions. It was several days later she mentioned putting a half an ice cube on it and I asked how she knew to do that and she told me about putting the instructions in the drawer. I thought it was so funny.

I didn't get my closet done but I got it started. We had lots of other things going on and I did get my sprinklers going and that was a plus. I hope to get to my closet at some point. Still working on my mom's stuff but there is an end eventually. 

I am so grateful for Princess Two making the drive to spend the weekend with me! Have a Blessed Day!

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