
Friday, May 19, 2017

Grateful For Miss Charlene - Piano Teacher in Heaven

I posted recently about my girls piano situation. They took lessons for years but being a single mom, practicing wasn't high on my "get it done" list next to court, mediators, guardians, layers, visitations, and all the normal daily kids things.

Here is the post where I lay all that type stuff out. It was at her last percussion concert last week. I had no idea at the time that the piano she was playing was her piano teachers baby grand!

I guess the school with its $40,000,000 bond didn't figure in any funds for a piano for the theater / auditorium. Go figure!

The girls piano teacher passed away about a year ago and she had several pianos. She had one son and he took some of the pianos but they didn't want to spend the money it would cost to get the piano where he lives.

They chose to donate the piano to the High School as most of her students attended that school. To me, she was more than a teacher though, she was a friend. She would always ask how I was doing and give me produce and fruit from her large garden. She was so sweet when I was so crazy with lots of court dates, she would sometimes put my check for lessons in a card and tell me to use it on bills.

She gave me discounts as I had all the girls in piano at one point. She fit in my youngest before school since she didn't have any more slots to fit her in after school so I would get up at O'dark thirty and take her for lessons.

She was also a school teacher for years and my eldest had her for fifth grade. There are always problems in small towns with people forcing what teachers they want for their kids. I knew nothing about any of it as I wasn't from a small town. I remember my daughter coming home crying the first day that her teacher was so hard! I laugh about it now as she was a big softy but that was before we took lessons. In the end, Charlene LOVED my daughter, I think that is what helped us get in with her for piano.

I think she helped me as she lost her first husband when she had a son and understood the challenges I faced. We had many wonderful talks about choices and struggles of being single with kids.

It made me smile to think the only time my youngest has ever performed in public other than a recital just happened to be on her piano last week! Kinda funny but makes me think Charlene had a hand in it!

Have a BLESSED Day!

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