
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Senior Night - Last Basketball Game and Pep-Band

Tonight was a big night for me. It was my last high school basket ball game. It was senior night for the drill team and pep-band. 
They give the seniors a gift and sometimes bring the parents down. This was sweet for Princess Five as after the drill team danced, they called up the seniors.

As you know, she couldn't dance due to her shoulder injury but one of the coaches gave the two seniors flowers and a card. She felt a bit awkward as she wasn't in the dance. 
As soon as the seniors hugged, the entire team rushed in and gave them a huge team hug! I think it really made her feel good that they did that for her as sometimes she doesn't feel like part of the  team due to not being in any of the dances.
Right after the drill team senior tribute, the pep band did their senior tribute. There were about 8 seniors in the band. The difference between an all girl sport and one that has boys. The drill team gave them flowers. The male band teacher got M & M's for the seniors. 
Truly makes me laugh, the difference between men and women. Tonight she played the cow bell, a few drums and the tambourine for band and as you can see, she has a smile on her face! She really just loves to be involved no matter what she is doing! 
In the school, they print up huge banners of the seniors and hang them in the gym for the season. They did a big one of the two seniors in drill and I had princess go stand on the second floor next to the big poster to get a picture of it. 
I don't know who will end up with it as there are the two of them on there. In the past, they have usually done one each for the seniors so they can all have it to take home so I don't know how that will work but it was fun to see her larger than life up there! 
I can't say that I will miss the games several times a week but I have missed seeing Princess Five's smiling face dancing this year! They are planning an "end of year" recital and the coach said she could dance some camp dances if she is up to it. That would be a nice way to end the year, being able to see her dance one last time! 

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