
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Proud of My State - Standing Ovation

I saw something this week that I have never seen before in my 20+ years of drill, dance, and cheer competitions. 
At competitions, they often have special guest performers. Sometimes, it may be a local dance team that isn't in the same division. Sometimes, it is a private studio that doesn't compete. Several times it has been a group of older woman who do it for the exercise. Once or twice, it has been a group of fathers or some boys from a school doing a routine and that always gets the crowd going.

This year, I was brought to tears by one of the sweetest performances I have ever witnessed. They had a group come from a university and it is a dance class for special needs students. They had a dance major with them and they choreographed a beautiful dance which started out with two downs boys and then half way through the dance, they brought in a few more serious special needs students and the audience was brought to their feet several times during the performance. 

I for one, couldn't hold back the tears as the looks on the students faces was so beautiful as they were SO happy to be performing and to be participating in something that they may have thought was beyond them before. 

The student that worked with them wasn't embarrassed, shy or overcompensating for them, you could tell she truly was baring her soul along with the students making this a performance that none would forget. 

They had the parents come out so they could take pictures of their dancers and I had tears streaming down my face the entire performance not able to hold them back as the dancers were so expressive and happy. 

I applaud the university, the dancers, the state athletics group and the audience for all coming together to make this performance a reality for the students. I had Princess Two with me and I asked her if she saw the kids faces and she said she had to look away. I think she didn't want to have the streaming mascara problem that I did and I had to ask her if my face was black by the end. 

It was truly moving and I am grateful I was able to enjoy it and be part of making them so happy. Kudos to the performers that made so many people smile!    

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