
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Missing My Mom This Christmas - Grandma Reading Lives On

Princess One came a day or two earlier than the other girls and it was wonderful to get some time with the grandchildren before the rest were around. 
Grand-Princess One loved the "book table" that I have with all different Christmas books on so they can read them through the season. She likes the sing-a-long ones and we went through each many times. 
I actually had tears in my eyes when she picked up the "Night Before Christmas" book I made with my parents reading the voice recording book I made last year with all the grandparents reading different pages of the book. Here is a link to the blog I did about it. 

My mother passed away this year so it is our first Christmas without her. 

My grand-daughter, who is two, was reading the book and remembered my mother. I don't know how she did but when she first heard her voice, she said, "Grandma!" and I tried to get her to say it again but the moment was over. It brought a tear to my eye as I was SO grateful that I followed that feeling to make the books with my parents reading the pages! 

I then found this video from last year I had forgotten about and she was so cute reading the book. Here is a link to the post I wrote for that video.

I had them do a Christmas book and several other books and had them each do a few pages in each book. This video is of them reading the book and me showing the pages and I posted it on youtube so my nieces and nephews could have their children watch it. 

Here is the video of them reading "All The Ways I Love You!" This one is special as I have their grandma, great-grandparents, and a great-great-grandma reading the pages. 

Lastly, I have a video of "How to record your books."  These videos have made a history of their voices even if something did happen to the book. I am excited that I did this especially now that my mother has passed away.

Now my grandchildren will all know their voices even though they wont be able to know them all.

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