
Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Eve Star Wars Challenge - PJ Tradition

Every year since I was born, my grandmother would make pajamas for us and we would open them on Christmas Eve. 

I continued that tradition with my own family making pajamas for many years. I wish I still had the time and energy to do that but I don't anymore so I now buy matching pajamas for the group and hopefully someday, I will be able to get back into making pajama pants or nightgowns for the grandchildren. 
Here is a link to last years pajama post. On that post, you will find our pajama post for the past six years linked and on the 2010 post, I tell a bit more about the tradition. 

Princess Three and Prince One are big "Star Wars" fans and the rest of the group enjoys it but aren't super fans. In fact, Princess Two wanted us to watch the entire series this year over the holiday but we didn't watch one movie this year as with two babies and only a full two days with everyone here, we played games and with the grandchildren over watching movies. 

Princess One's family opted to all be "Yoda" in the options available and so for Grand Princess One, we used a t-shirt as a nightgown as I couldn't find any little yoda girl jamies. ha ha. 
She was so cute, she kept running around saying, "I have on my "doda" jammies!" and wore it the next day as well as she loved it. 

I wish we could say we all went and saw the movie together but several have seen it and with teething babies, we won't all be going to a movie anytime soon. 

After we took pictures in our pj's, we grabbed the nativity puppets and did a super fast nativity / Christ's birth story. It was really hard as you can see in the pictures to get the baby happy and his sister looking at the camera is a feat for sure.

We had a great Christmas Eve and having little ones around sure makes it more fun. I feel so sorry for those who don't have children around on Christmas as the wonder make the entire things so much more enjoyable to me.

We hope your family had a wonderful holiday and that you all travel safely home if you went away for the holiday... Remember the reason for the season!

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