
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trick-or-Jewelry - New Tradition a Hit Once Again

So, I guess Princess Five changed her mind and decided not to go trick-or-treating. She went to her friends party and dressed as "Catniss" from Hunger Games. 

On the home front, it was fun having Princess Four home to help me hand out treats and get things ready. We moved the Pirate and chests into place.

I didn't remove the batteries from the candles, lanterns and light up skulls from last year and three had battery leaks which needed cleaning or scraping to repair but I was able to get them all working again for this year but learning my lesson, the batteries are now all removed for storing the items until next year.
Princess Four found a black fabric to put the jewelry / watches / key-chains etc on so the kids could easily see the items. 

I was running errands when the kids started arriving and Princess stuck on a crown as her costume and handed out either candy or jewelry items. There were many return visitors who were very excited to see we were giving out jewelry for our "treats" if they chose. 
Here is a link to last years post where I experimented with giving out jewelry instead of treats if they wanted. The bags and pile in the picture is the jewelry I had LEFT after the night was over. I need to find another way to share it with others!

I had one mom call someone and tell them we were giving out jewelry and give directions to my home. There were other comments about it being a good idea rather than candy etc.

Best treat of the night was that my sister and her kids showed up so I could take a picture of them. It won't be long before they won't be interested in Trick-or-Treating and by the time they showed up, I was done for the night having had a long weekend but I did get my hugs from the girls so that made my night!

It will be VERY weird next year when I won't have anyone around on Halloween....... 

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