
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My Found Money On The Busy Not Planned Day

It is always interesting to me how days take shape on their own schedule. Today was one of those days. 

I got up with the plan of pruning the back apple trees. Last year was so crazy that I didn't prune them at all last year so they are very overgrown. I did the green plum tree on Saturday and thought I would get all three trees done. 

To my frustration, the green plum also didn't get pruned last year and had grown so much and since I hadn't "guided" it where to grow, it had grown all over and filled five of our six garbage cans and gave us a load of fire wood. I couldn't believe how much I pruned off of that one little tree. 

It does look a bit bald now but I pruned lots off all the trees I have pruned so far as I will not have anyone home to eat fruit next year and won't have anyone to help me pick up the pruning so I am cutting everything way back this year. 
I woke with a headache and have been fighting one for a few days as the weather changes and can't decide what it wants to do. I got up and there were no cans to prune the apple trees and my head wasn't in the game until some Coke helped the situation so it didn't start out all that well. 
I noticed that a sprinkler had blown and spent lots of time finding one in my mess of parts to work but I really should have just gone and bought a new one. I was trying to get to prune the front decorative trees away from the roof as they didn't need much and I could fill the last can I had but actually never even touched those two trees.  

I ended up fixing a few of the decorative lights on the front beds, pulling some weeds and adjusting the new sprinkler before it got too cold and dark for me to do much else. 

Princess Four wanted some help with something she needed done before she leaves for her mission in a month and so, today, I counted my blessings one by one as I emptied out my little bird feeder where I put my "found" money. Each coin in there was "found" somewhere and it was getting full so I just decided to add it to the other "found money" I have collected in the past few years. I started this after someone sent me an email about a rich man finding a penny and sharing it reminded him to Trust in God. I believe since it has God's name on it, we shouldn't leave it on the ground. Here is the original post.

Can you believe I have over $114 in found money? I have over $5 now in just pennies I have found and each one reminds me to "Trust in God" and many of them are found just when I need to be reminded of that. I am truly blessed!

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