
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Worlds Fastest New Zealander - A Visit To the Salt Flats

I have shared over the past few weeks how I had my Mum and Dad host parents from New Zealand come to visit. 

I spent a few hours one night before they came typing up anything within a few days driving that we could do when they came to visit. 

We decided we would just play it by ear as my family ended up having a wedding and a few other functions so we had to change plans. 

The week they were to arrive, one of their tours was canceled and that changed my plans as they would now be in town for a day that I didn't think they would so we had to adjust a bit and then make plans to take them to the places that were on the tour that was canceled so in the end, it changed my plans more than their plans. 

It all turned out wonderful and I will share some of that in a different post but for today, I want to share about something they were super excited to see. We finished up with Princess Fours exciting day I shared about yesterday and then we squished a whole lot into a little time. 

We went to visit the local capital and there just happened to be a protest there with many tribes of Native Americans. They had some music and speeches and wonderful costumes and dress. They were fascinated by the "natives" and I wish I could have gotten a picture of them with one of the more detailed costumes. 

While were were at the capitol, there was a display about a movie that was made on the Bonneville Salt Flats where they have land speed races. The movie was about an older New Zealand man that had an Indian motorcycle and set two land speed records in his division that are still records. 
They said from the beginning they would like to see where that took place. If you remember a few years back, we took our exchange student to the salt flats as my younger girls had never remembered being there. 

We drove through there when they were very small but they didn't remember it so it was good that they had the experience of going but since it is such a long drive and there is nothing for miles, they didn't want to go with us on the excursion.  Here is a link to that post. 
I shared that they really wouldn't like to spend much time at the Great Salt Lake. Everyone thinks it is really cool as the old photos show people swimming in it but I gave them the option of the two main places to see it and shared that one was on the way to the salt flats and figured that would be enough for them. Here is a link to the post about our visit years back to the salt lake.

We stopped and visited with a sailor as my "parents" were sailors and enjoy the "Americas cup" and we had a good visit with the sailors we met. They touched the lake and the smell was enough for them. 

My host Mum was so cute. I don't think she has ever read my blog but she kept finding coins and handing them to me. I shared what they mean to me when I find one and throughout the trip she probably found five coins. (If you don't know about my coin "In God We Trust" check it out here.)

She found this dime at the great salt lake and I found the penny at the salt flats. Must have been meant to be that we visit both spots which were on their "list" of wishes. 
I had forgotten just how "out there" the flats were and they had no idea of the distances of the places we were to visit as if you drive three hours in any direction in NZ you end up in the ocean! 

Dad was so cute, he picked up some salt just to taste it! They got to see the salt beds and huge piles of salt being processed for home use as well on the long drives but I would say they can now tell great tales of their visit to the salt flats where "The Worlds Fastest Indian" movie was filmed and where the famous New Zealander set his records!   

It was a long day but they returned to the hotel with smiles on their faces!           

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