
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Scrapbook Overload - Little Bit Stressed

Once again, so much going on that I haven't had much sleep. 


I was up late working on the scrapbook for Princess Five and had a few hours sleep before needing ot get up for a food bank board meeting. 

I had errands to run and by the time I got home, it was late and we started working on her scrap book portfolio about five. 

Princess Four was here with her TB test needing to be read and she now has to wait until a few cavities get filled before she can put her paperwork in to serve as a missionary. 

She helped us for a few minutes before she had to return to her job so we miss her when she leaves and she was VERY helpful on the scrap pages as she is very creative so we missed her when she left. 

While they worked on pages last night, I worked the scanner making little copies of all our play programs, awards, letters etc that she wanted in the portfolio. 

I scanned for hours and then we print them off and put them with the corresponding pictures. It is nicer to be able to see the program in mini form rather than keeping a larger program and it taking up space. 
I had to forge lots of junk in the basement to get to our scrap book stuff as I haven't had time to get the basement put back together since my mom was here with me. 

We pulled out some files that had all the paper, stickers, lace etc. I was VERY organized at one point but it just seems I am hanging on most days. 

Princess Five was afraid to do much at first and was just stacking square pictures on the pages and it took a few tries to get her to open up the creative side and she started making some really cute picture pages. 
Princess Four was cute as she would write anything we wanted as we thought her writing was better than ours. 

We have to have the book portfolio in and postmarked by Friday so I am praying that we can get it done tomorrow and hopefully get back to having more than a few hours sleep. 
I'll have to let you know how we do with all that. I will be glad when school starts, I think as for the next few months she is a busy one!

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